The duties of the Planning Commission are as follows:
   (a)    Review proposed amendments or rezoning requests to the Zoning Ordinance and/or Subdivision Regulations and make recommendations to Council.
   (b)    Initiate amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and/or make such planning or zoning recommendations to Council as are deemed necessary.
   (c)    Review and act upon applications for subdivision.
   (d)    Review and act upon applications for zoning permits in accordance with Chapters 1159, Village District, Chapter 1161, Architectural Review Overlay District, and Chapter 1176 Transportation Corridor Overlay District.
   (e)    Review and act upon applications for Zoning Permits requiring architectural review as provided for in Chapter 1161 of this Zoning Ordinance.
   (f)    Review and act upon development plan and individual site plan applications in the Planned Development Districts, Community Service District, and Suburban Business District.
   (g)    Perform such other duties as may be required by ordinance or requested by Council.
   (h)    Hold informal working sessions with developers, builders and the general public, for the purpose of providing advice and guidance in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, and prior to the submittal and review of formal development plans.
   (i)    If a majority of the members of the Commission decides that the Commission needs legal counsel for any public or administrative hearing that the Commission is authorized or required to conduct or participate in under this Zoning Ordinance, the chairperson shall request Council to provide such counsel. If Council approves the request, it shall direct the Law Director to appoint counsel for the Commission, subject to the financial approval of the Village Manager.
   (j)    Collaborate with staff on area and general planning, to include plan-making and plan approval.
      (Ord. 22-2022. Passed 11-16-22.)