Council shall hold its organizational meeting as its first order of business of the first meeting following each municipal election. At this meeting newly elected members shall take the oath of office, and Council shall elect one of its members as Mayor and another as Vice-Mayor to serve for terms of two years and select a Clerk of Council from outside its membership. It may transact such further business as it sees fit. At or before the organizational meeting, the Clerk shall provide new members with copies of this Charter and the current rules of Council adopted under Section 2.11. Regular meetings of Council shall be held, as prescribed in the rules of Council, but not less frequently than twice in each calendar month, except that Council may dispense with three regular meetings in each calendar year. All meetings of Council shall be open to the public except that executive sessions shall be permitted as set forth in Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code, and for discussion by Council of the negotiation of any contract.
   A majority of the members elected constitutes a quorum, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time and may compel the attendance of absent members as provided in the rules of Council. (Amended 11-6-01; 11-2-21)