(a)   Submission.
      (1)   The subdivider/developer shall prepare a preliminary plat together with improvement plans and such other data as may be required by Chapters 1109 , 1117 , 1121 or 1147 .
      (2)   Eleven (11) copies of the preliminary plat and other required material shall accompany a written application to the Planning Commission.
      (3)   For consideration at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission, the application including all required attachments shall be submitted to the Village Planner. The application shall be considered officially filed after it is examined by the Village Planner or his/her designee and is found to be complete in all respects. The Planning Commission shall not consider an application for a preliminary plat which is found to be incomplete.
   (b)   Approval.
      (1)   The Village Planner or other designee of the Manager shall transmit copies to the Municipal Engineer, the appropriate boards, commissions and departments of the Municipality, and to all affected local utility companies for their review, recommendations, or action.
      (2)   The Planning Commission shall determine whether the preliminary plat shall be approved, approved with modifications, conditionally approved, or disapproved. Conditional approval may be based upon the subdivider/developer obtaining approval for any deviations or variances from these regulations by the authority empowered to grant such deviations or variances.
   (c)   Size and Scale.
      (1)   The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn. The scale of the plat shall be not less than one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet.
      (2)   The plat of a subdivision containing six (6) acres or less shall be drawn at a scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet.
   (d)   Plat Contents. The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Proposed name of the subdivision which name shall not duplicate, be of the same in spelling or alike in pronunciation with any other recorded subdivision. However, in the case of a subdivision platted by phases, the subdivider/developer shall be permitted to use the same subdivision name;
      (2)   Location and distance to any adjacent street intersection or plat;
      (3)   Names and addresses of the subdivider/developer and/or owner and surveyor;
      (4)   Scale of the plan, north point and date;
      (5)   Boundaries of the subdivision indicated by a heavy line and the acreage of the subdivision;
      (6)   Location, widths and names of existing or platted streets, railroad rights of way, easements, parks, permanent buildings, military survey and township lines within and adjacent to the subdivision;
      (7)   Names of adjacent subdivisions and owners of adjoining parcels of land, deed book and page number and adjacent zoning;
      (8)   Existing contours with intervals of not more than five (5) feet where the slope is greater than ten (10) percent, or not more than two (2) feet where the slope is less than ten (10) percent. Elevations shall be based on sea level datum;
      (9)   Power transmission poles and lines and any other significant items; and
      (10)   Vicinity sketch at a scale not smaller than 1" = 2000'.
   (e)   Other Contents.
      (1)   Wooded areas, rivers, streams, watercourses, drainage routes and patterns, pending areas and wetlands.
      (2)   The 100-year floodplain, including the floodway definition, of any watercourse identified by FEMA, National Flood Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
       (3)   Soils information, derived from the Soil Survey of Licking County.
      (4)   Approximate building locations within 100 feet of the subdivision.
      (5)   Storm and sanitary sewers (with sizes and inverts), culverts, drainage tile, water lines, gas lines, and utility lines and poles within and adjacent to the site. Direction and distances to water and sewer lines if not located on or adjacent to the tract of land to be subdivided or developed.
      (6)   Name, location, pavement and right-of-way width, and approximate grade of proposed and existing streets within or near the site.
      (7)   Location of proposed blocks, lots (with dimensions, numbers and building lines), reserves and purpose of reserves, and minimum building setback lines.
      (8)   Preliminary location and size of proposed storm sewers, culverts, stormwater control facilities, sanitary sewers, and waterlines showing easements and outlets or connections to areas beyond the boundaries of the proposed subdivision or development.
      (9)   Lot grading elevations and major storm routing path.
      (10)   Location of proposed parkland, public open space, playground, school land, or common areas or facilities.
      (11)   Location and type of other proposed improvements.
   (f)   Additional Requirements. The following items may be required, by the Municipality, to be included with, or be a supplement to the preliminary plat or development plan.
      (1)   Landscape Plan that is in accordance with Chapter 1193 of the Codified Ordinances.
      (2)   Screening, buffering and/or noise abatement measures.
      (3)   Location and results of soil borings or test pits.
      (4)   Plat wording and/or deed restrictions.
      (5)   Land dedicated for public use, land reserved by plat wording for public or common use.
      (6)   Traffic control measures including turning lanes, special curbing and other public safety measures.
      (7)   Access management practices to control the number and location of drives and access points onto public right of way.
      (8)   Special type and width of street pavement.
      (9)   Potential street locations within or adjacent to the site.
      (10)   Other provisions deemed necessary to allow development consistent with public health, safety and welfare.
         (Ord. 02-2014. Passed 2-19-14.)