(a)   Written application for a subdivision without plat shall be submitted to the Village Planner or designee of the Manager who shall review such application for proper form and content. Upon acceptance of the application, the Village Planner or designee of the Manager shall process the application in accordance with this section.
   (b)   The Planning Commission shall consider an application for subdivision without plat within twenty-one (21) days after receipt of the application and shall act on such application within thirty (30) days after consideration, unless otherwise extended by mutual
agreement, and may approve such application provided:
      (1)   All lots of the resulting subdivision are contiguous to a dedicated public street right of way for such distance as is required by the applicable zoning district.
      (2)   No opening, widening or extension of any road, street or other public way is involved.
      (3)   No more than five (5) lots, each of which meet established criteria for development, result after the original tract is completely subdivided.
      (4)   The request for subdivision is not contrary to platting, subdividing or zoning regulations of the Municipality.
   (c)   A boundary survey prepared by a registered surveyor shall be submitted with each application for subdivision without plat. Such survey shall show:
      (1)   Boundaries of the proposed subdivision based on an accurate transverse with angular and lineal dimensions.
      (2)   Size of all lots within the proposed subdivision with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths with bearing in degrees and minutes.
      (3)   Exact location, width and name of all streets or other public ways contiguous to the proposed subdivision.
      (4)   Names of adjacent subdivisions and/or owners of adjoining parcels with the boundary lines of adjacent tracts of unsubdivided and subdivided land.
      (5)   Scale of plan, north point and date. The location, widths of easements, parks, permanent buildings, military survey and township lines within and adjacent to the subdivision
   (d)   The Planning Commission may grant conditional approval to any proposed subdivision or lot-split pending approval by the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals or Council of variances which may be required for development.
   (e)   No application for subdivision without plat shall be approved by the Planning Commission which would result in any parcel of land becoming or remaining landlocked or which does not meet the conditions of this section. (Ord. 21-95. Passed 8-2-95.)