(a) The existence of a service line to private property shall bind the owner thereof to comply with the water rules and regulations of the Municipality and shall be evidence of his guarantee of all water rents and assessments even though a tenant occupies the property.
(b) The service line from the main to the property line curb stop shall be installed by a bonded contractor at the property owner's expense. The contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, equipment, tools, pipe fittings, paving materials and any miscellaneous items necessary to complete the water tap of the main and installation of the service line up to and including the curb stop and box, which shall be located as near the property line as practicable. All work is to be performed in compliance with the Village's Construction Materials Specifications.
(c) The service branch from the water main to the point of connection with the building plumbing shall be installed by the property owner or his agent, at the property owner's expense, and insofar as possible, shall be in a straight line.
(d) All single living unit dwellings, for which municipal water service is required, shall be individually provided with water through a service line equipped with a shut-off valve and meter according to the Villages Construction Materials Specifications. There shall be but one such dwelling or building on a service line and each service line shall be metered separately. The service line to each such dwelling or building shall have a separate and distinct curb stop located outside the premises, directly adjacent to the premises and on a public right-of-way.
(1) When multi-family or multi-unit structures are to be constructed and individual metering is requested, each unit shall have a separate tap into the water main, water meter and curb stop. The water capacity fee shall be paid to the Village based upon the size of water tap serving each unit. Easements must be provided as required by the Village.
(2) When multi-family or multi-unit structures are to be constructed and one central meter is requested to serve those units or structures and a single tap will be required, the curb valve and meter are to be installed as close as possible to the water main tap serving the premises. The water capacity fee shall be paid to the Village based upon the size of the water main tap serving the premises. Easements must be provided as required by the Village. Proper tap size and number of units/structures to be served shall be approved by the Village and constructed per village specifications.
(e) The Village of Granville shall determine the size of a water service line required to provide adequate service to all living units.
(f) Whenever a break or leak occurs in a service line between the main and the curb box, the repair shall be at the Village's expense and completed as soon as possible. If such a break or leak occurs back of the curb box at any place upon the premises supplied, the property owner shall have the break or leak repaired at the owner's expense. Failure to make repairs may result in water being turned off and the property owner charged for the estimated quantity of water lost.
(g) Any person, firm, corporation or water user may discontinue water service by proper notice to the Municipal office, be relieved of their responsibility when the water is turned off at the curb box and the account cleared on the records of the Municipality.
(h) Any property owner or his duly authorized agent desiring water service from an existing service line must sign for such service at the municipal office before such service shall be provided. Water service shall be refused an applicant or premises owing for previous service or assessments.
(i) Backflow prevention and cross-connection control is required by the Village to ensure water quality. Rules 3745-95-01 through 3745-95-08 of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Rules and Regulations for Public Water Systems are in effect, as were effective November 26, 1980, except that "Director," as defined in Rule 3745-95-01(W) means the Utilities Director of the Village or his duly authorized representative and further provided that "public water system" as defined in Rule 3745-95-01(T) means the Village's public water system.
(j) Implementation of dual check assembly meeting, ASSE 1024 Standards with an expansion tank on residential dwellings, will be required on all new replacement water service lines and new water services after November 1, 1994.
Implementation of dual checks, meeting ASSE 1024 Standards with an expansion tank on residential dwellings, will be required wherever a potential cross connection is found to exist and where there is a potential second water source to a facility.
(k) If a water service is abandoned, it must be abandoned at the water main and the corp stop by either shutting it off or removing it from the water main at the property owner's expense. (Ord. 06-14. Passed 8-20-14.)