(a) No extension of a water main shall be approved for less than the entire right-of-way frontage of the property served and the necessary length from the existing main to that frontage.
(b) Plans for all water system main construction shall be drawn by a registered engineer.
(c) All water mains shall be installed to plan and profile in accordance with standard specifications of the Village and be approved by the Manager on advice of the consulting engineer and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(d) The Village and consulting engineer shall in all cases specify the size and location of the water main to be installed as well as the number and location of valves, fire hydrants or other appurtenances thereto.
(e) The Manager, on the advice of the consulting engineer, may designate any water main as a trunk main. Where mains are to be installed to serve both trunk and distribution requirements, the installation cost shall be divided between the Municipality and the developers/owners of the abutting property, with the owners paying the cost of constructing a line of sufficient size to serve the area with water and fire protection (a minimum of eight inches). Where a water main extension is required by the Municipality to be installed larger than eight inches in nominal diameter, the Municipality shall pay the difference in the cost of the pipe, fittings and valves between the installation of an eight inch water main and the water main installed.
(f) All water mains extended or installed under these rules and regulations shall, upon being supplied with water, become the sole property of the Municipality and all maintenance, repair costs and charges shall be assumed by the Village.
(Ord. 06-14. Passed 8-20-14.)