(1) For the purpose of providing for the cost of the management, maintenance, operation and repair of the sewerage system and sewage pumping, treatment and disposal works, and for the enlargement or replacement of the system and works, and for the construction and reconstruction of main and interceptor sewers and the payment of interest on any debt incurred for the construction thereof, there is hereby levied and assessed upon each lot or parcel of land in the Village of Granville on which a building - commercial, industrial, institutional or residential - is located, and connected to the Village of Granville sewer system, a sewer service charge as hereinafter provided. All classes of users shall be levied charges on the same basis as described hereinafter.
(2) (a) The rates provided below in this subsection shall be effective for wastewater usage billed beginning with the month of January, 2020. The sewer service charge shall be calculated on the volume of waste-water discharged directly or indirectly into the sewer system and shall be measured by the water used by each sewer user as shown by water meter readings. The sewer service charge for the Village of Granville shall
consist of a user charge for operation, maintenance and replacement (OM & R) of six dollars and sixty-five cents ($6.65) per thousand gallons. If the total sewage (as measured by water meter readings) discharged in any one (1) month period is less than one thousand (1000) gallons, there shall be a minimum charge of six dollars and sixty-five cents ($6.65). Such minimum charge shall be for OM&R in the amount of six dollars and sixty-five cents ($6.65). Theses rates will increase for wastewater usage billed in January of each year in 2021, 2022, and 2023 as outlined in subsections (3) and (4) below.
(b) The sewer service system charge will be audited annually by the Village with the charges being adjusted upwards or downwards in order to assure that the system is and will continue to be self-sufficient and that sufficient revenue is being generated from each user class in the proper proportions. No free service shall be provided in this service charge system. Each user will be notified by the Village, at least annually, in conjunction with a regular bill, of the rates for that year and that portion of the service charges which are attributable to the user charge for operation, maintenance and replacement of the system. In addition, rates will be reviewed and adjusted accordingly to compensate users of each class for any overages and underages accumulated during the previous rate period. The sewer service charge herein assessed shall be in addition to the charge made for water used.
(c) Where a private supply is used, the sewer service charge may be calculated by requiring the property owner to meter the private water supply, such metering to be at the property owner's expense and such measurement to be used in the same manner as a public water meter in determining the charge. The Village may, at its option, in lieu of such metering, apply a sewer service charge of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per month to such premises. Each resident, institution, commercial or industrial establishment shall be subject to a separate sewer service charge even though such establishment may be served by a sewer connection common to other premises. If it be found by the citizen that the water or waste measured or metered for any customer is greater than that actually being discharged directly or indirectly into the sewage system, the Village may modify and adjust such volume in accordance with the facts and with justice and equity, but no charge less than the minimum shall be made for any customer subject to the sewer service charge.
(d) Where a private water supply is used and/or the user desires to meter his water use or sewage flow, the owner shall incur all expenses related to the installation of said meter. Prior to installation of the meter, the type of equipment installed and its location must be approved by the Village. Prior to placing said meter into use after installation, the Village shall inspect and approve or disapprove the meter installation. Any modifications required by the Village shall be made at the user's expense and prior to the meter's use. The meter shall be located in a suitable location that will accommodate readings by Village personnel. Tampering with the meter by the user to cause inaccurate readings shall make the user subject to the penalty provisions of Section 921.99
(3) The rates provided in Section (2)(a) above shall be further amended for wastewater usage billed during the month of January, 2021. The sewer service charge shall be calculated on the volume of waste-water discharged directly or indirectly into the sewer system and shall be measured by the water used by each sewer user as shown by water meter readings. The sewer service charge for the Village of Granville shall consist of a user charge for operation, maintenance and replacement (OM & R) of seven dollars and nineteen cents ($7.19) per thousand gallons. If the total sewage (as measured by water meter readings) discharged in any one (1) month period is less than one thousand (1000) gallons, there shall be a minimum charge of seven dollars and nineteen cents ($7.19). Such minimum charge shall be for OM&R in the amount of seven dollars and nineteen cents ($7.19).
(4) The wastewater rates provided in subsection (3) above shall be further amended in the years 2022 and 2023 with a two percent (2%) increase each year. Therefore, beginning with the wastewater usage billed during the month of January 2022, the rate will increase to seven dollars and thirty-three cents ($7.33) per 1,000 gallons and beginning with the wastewater usage billed during the month of January 2023 the rate will increase to seven dollars and forty-seven ($7.47) per 1,000 gallons. These rates will be calculated on the volume of wastewater discharged directly or indirectly into the sewer system and shall be measured by the water used by each sewer user as shown by water meter readings. If the total sewage (as measured by water meter readings) discharged in any one (1) month period is less than one thousand gallons, there shall be a minimum charge of 1,000 gallons. Such minimum charge shall be for OM&R. (Ord. 27-2019. Passed 11-6-19.)