(1) Allowable Discharge of Unpolluted Water. Storm water and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged only to such sewers that are specifically designated as acceptable storm sewers that are approved by the Village and other regulatory agencies.
(2) Wastewater Discharge. Discharge units of waste water shall be connected to a Village sanitary sewer - if one is within 200 feet of any of the lot or property lines of that discharge unit; if a sanitary sewer is not available within 200 feet of the lot or property line, the discharge unit shall be connected to an approvable individual sewage treatment system and discharge into a storm sewer or receiving stream with OEPA approval or an approvable individual sewage treatment system. In such event, the connection shall be watertight from the discharge unit to the sewer.
(3) Application for Sewer Tap. Application for sewer taps shall be made to the Utility Clerk at Village Hall. The capacity fee shall be paid with the submission of the application. An application shall be submitted a minimum of five working days before service is required. No person, firm or corporation shall make a sanitary sewer connection or any part thereof to the sanitary sewer system of the Village, unless a permit has been issued by the Village.
(4) No new connections or alterations to existing connections shall be made to any of the sewer systems of the Village without prior permission of Village Council or its authorized representative, nor shall the Village allow any new connections unless there is sufficient downstream sewer capacity and sufficient treatment capacity. All sewer connections, whether new, repaired or replaced, shall be constructed of materials and techniques approvable by the Village in accordance with the Village Construction and Materials Specifications as amended by Village Council. All new connections shall be six-inch sanitary sewer pipe or larger, if flows require.
(5) A saddle clamp or Insert a Tee must be used for a main tap-in where no Y-branch is available. Fernco wyes or tees are prohibited unless special permission is granted by the wastewater superintendent.
(6) The building sewer shall be installed by a bonded contractor at the property owner's expense. Any street excavation required in order to make a tap shall be done in accordance with Chapter 903 on file in the municipal clerk's office and on the Village website - www.granville.oh.us. The cost of laying new sewer lines or of extending existing sewer lines shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property benefitted thereby. A general plan of the connection shall be approved by the Village Superintendent prior to installation. The sewer installation shall include proper bedding, backfill, testing and cleanouts as required by the Village. The sewer shall not be covered or backfilled until it has been inspected and approved by the Village Superintendent.
(7) No extension of a sewer main shall be approved for less than the entire frontage of the property benefited and the necessary length from the existing main to that frontage.
(8) Plans for subdivisions shall be drawn by a registered engineer. Said plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Village engineer and Village staff.
(9) All sewer mains shall be installed to plans and profile in accordance with the Village Construction and Materials Specifications as approved by the Superintendent based, as necessary, on advice of the consulting engineer and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(10) The Superintendent and consulting engineer shall in all cases specify the size and location of the sewer main to be installed as well as the number of manholes or other appurtenances thereto.
(11) The Village Manager, on the advice of Village staff and/or consulting engineer, may designate any street or way as one requiring a trunk main. Where oversized mains are installed to service both trunk and collection requirements, the installation cost shall be divided between the Municipality and the owners of the abutting property, with the owners paying the cost of constructing a main of sufficient size to serve the area and the Municipality paying the remainder to oversize the main.
(12) All sewer mains extended or installed under these rules and regulations shall upon being connected to the sewer main become the sole property of the Municipality and all maintenance, repair costs and charges shall be assumed by the Village.
(Ord. 07-15. Passed 6-17-15.)