(a) All requests for use of the public streets and sidewalks shall be submitted to the Manager in writing.
   (b) The written request shall include, at least, the following information:
      (1)   A description of the planned event including the location and space that the event will require;
      (2)   The duration of the event both in hours per day and number of days over which the event will extend;
      (3)   The name of the specific person who will be responsible for the event and who will be available to the Manager at any time during the event if problems arise; and
      (4)   If the event is to be held in the downtown business area, the Manager shall refer the applicant to the Granville Merchants' Association prior to acting on the request. The Granville Merchants' Association may then advise the Manager of their position regarding the event.
   (c)    Following the receipt of the information listed in subsection (b) hereof the Manager may act on the request for use of the public streets and sidewalks or he may refer the request to Council for action.
(d)    In considering the request, the Manager or Council shall give full attention to the effect that the event will have on the movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic including police, fire and emergency vehicles, noise, litter, the possibility of damage to public or private property, whether the event is intended for private gain or to promote a charitable or civic purpose and prompt restoration of the site of the event to its original condition.
   (e) A deposit as provided by Section 703.02 may be required from the applicant to insure the prompt restoration of the site at the conclusion of the event.
(f) If permission for the event is denied, the reasons for denial shall be given to the applicant in writing.
(g) Granting permission for such an event shall not rescind any ordinances or laws of the Municipality or the State, and such laws shall be fully enforced at all times during the event. (Res. 75-15. Passed 6-4-75.)