Until an application is made and approved in the manner provided by this article, and the building permit issued, no work or labor shall be done or performed in the construction, repair, altering, demolishing, moving or removal of any building or structure within the Town, and the owner, lessee, contractor and any workmen who shall perform any work or labor, or shall cause, permit, or allow the same to be performed in the construction, alteration, repair, demolition, moving or removal of any building or structure without obtaining a permit therefor shall be guilty of a violation of this article and shall be punished as provided by Section 101.99 of this Town Code. The Mayor shall have the authority to issue a stop work order to any person violating this section. A seventy-five dollar ($75.00) administrative fee shall be assessed to the person violating this section should a stop work order be issued. Any person who fails to comply with a stop work order, once issued, shall be subject to a penalty of no less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and no more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each such offense. Each day that a person violates a stop work order shall constitute a separate offense.