(a)    State Laws Applicable. All of the provisions contained in West Virginia Code Chapters 17A, 17B and 17C shall govern the operation of motor vehicles within the park.
   (b)    Speed Limit. No person shall drive or propel or cause to be driven or be propelled along or over any road or drive within the park, any vehicle at a greater rate of speed than ten miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.
   (c)    Vehicles Prohibited on Paths. No person shall operate or cause to be operated any type of self-propelled vehicle or any vehicle which is moved by animal or human power upon any area other than a designated roadway.
   (d)    Driving on Closed Roads or Drives. No person shall drive upon or along any park road or drive which has been closed and posted with appropriate signs or barricades. The Manager shall have authority to order roads or drives closed when the park is closed or during the process of construction, reconstruction or repairs, or when, in his opinion, weather conditions render travel either unsafe or duly destructive to the road.
   (e)    Demonstrating, Testing, Instructing with Respect to or Learning to Operate Vehicle. No person shall use any part of the park for the purpose of demonstrating the operation of any vehicle, testing the operation of any vehicle, instructing another person to drive or operate any vehicle or learning to drive or operate any vehicle, except by written consent of the Manager.
   (f)    Parking. No person shall park any motor vehicle, bicycle, wagon or other vehicle within any traveled roadway in the park or at any location where posted signs prohibited parking.
   No person shall leave any vehicle in the park between posted closing time and daybreak without written permission from the Manager or his authorized representative, unless such person is attending an event approved for extension beyond the posted closing.
   (g)    Snowmobiles. No person shall within the park operate a motor-driven vehicle which is designed for the purpose of traveling on snow-covered surfaces other than in areas designated for such purpose by the Mayor.
   (h)    Motorbikes; Motorcycles.
      (1)    Every person riding within the park on a motorbike or motorcycle is required to wear a crash helmet approved by either the American Motorcycle Association or the Snell Foundation.
      (2)    No person shall operate a motorbike or motorcycle on any park roadway without having thereon a fender covering each tire.
      (3)    Motorbikes or motorcycles are permitted within the park only on paved roadways normally used by motor vehicles and in parking areas for motor vehicles.
   (i)    Exceptions. Nothing contained in this section shall apply to authorized emergency vehicles responding for emergency work in the case of fire, accident, public disaster, impending danger or other emergency, or to a police officer in the performance of his official duties.