The owner of any property abutting on a public street shall, before laying any sidewalk pavement on the part of such street intended to be used for sidewalk purposes, apply to the Mayor for a permit therefor, and such permit when granted shall show the location and width of such sidewalk pavement and shall recite the specifications required therefor. If such application is to lay a sidewalk pavement on a street within the fire limits on which the width between the curbs of such street shall be paved has not been determined, Council shall, before a permit is granted, specify by order, resolution or ordinance the width of sidewalk pavements on each side thereof, and the location and width of grass plots, if any; and if a grade has not been established on such street, Council shall not grant such permit until a grade is established on such street by the Engineer and adopted by Council. In no case where a permit is granted to lay a sidewalk pavement shall the work be commenced until the Engineer shall have first set stakes or had the same done under his direction, showing the exact location of the same. The Mayor shall have the power and authority to grant such permits, without referring the same to Council, and to report the same at the next meeting of Council when it shall be made a matter of record.