All sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete pavement according to the following specifications:
   (a)    Width and Location. Council shall be order prescribe the width of all concrete sidewalk pavements hereafter paved or repaved, taking into consideration the nature and class of traffic on such street and sidewalk. Such sidewalk pavements shall not be less than three feet in width in R1, R2 and R3 Zoning Districts and within the public right of way as designated by the Town administration, so that the grass plot, if any, shall be between the sidewalk pavement and the curb line of the street.
   (b)    Subgrade. When the subgrade is composed of a fill it shall be laid in layers, not exceeding twelve inches, and the same shall be thoroughly wetted and tamped or rolled. The tops of all fills shall extend at least twelve inches beyond the sidewalk pavement, and in cases where there are no curbs the slope shall not be steeper than one and one-half to one.
   (c)    Drainage Course. The drainage course shall consist of coarse aggregate, as hereinafter defined, of a depth of not less than six inches, except where solid rock is encountered, and shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping or rolling.
   (d)    Concrete. The concrete shall consist of a mixture of one part of cement, as hereinafter defined, and three parts of fine aggregate, as hereinafter defined, and three parts of coarse aggregate, as hereinafter defined, to a depth of not less than four inches. It shall be worked to an approximately true surface and shall be roughened. The concrete pavement shall be monolithic and no mortar course shall be permissible for surface.
   (e)    Water Used. All water used in mixing materials for sidewalk pavements shall be clean and free from oil, acid, strong alkalies or vegetable matter.
   (f)    Forms. All forms used for setting sidewalk pavements shall be free from warp, and of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape. All mortar and dirt shall be carefully removed from forms that have been previously used. All forms shall be well staked to the established lines and grades, as indicated by the stakes set by the Engineer, and all forms shall be so set as to provide for the specified slope of one-fourth of an inch to the foot toward the curb.
   (g)    Expansion Joints. Expansion joints shall be made three-fourths of an inch wide for the whole of all sidewalk pavements, and shall be spaced at intervals of not more than forty feet, and shall be filled with sand, felt, tar or other suitable material. The wearing surface at all expansion joints shall be cut clear through with a jointing tool.
   (h)    Drainage. Where the drainage course is at the same elevation as, or above the drainage course of the curb, a blind drain or ditch of suitable size and filled with broken stone shall be laid with a proper degree of fall from the bottom of the drainage course of all sidewalk pavements at such points as will properly drain the water from the drainage course to the curb. Where the drainage course of the sidewalk pavement is below that of the curb, a three inch agricultural tile drain shall be laid in the lower part of the drainage course, and vitrified tile drainage connection made from it to the storm sewer in the street.
   (i)    Precautions Against Freezing. Concrete shall not be mixed or deposited at a freezing temperature, unless special precautions are taken to avoid the use of materials that are frozen or covered with ice crystals, and adequate means are provided to prevent the concrete from freezing after being placed in position and until it is thoroughly hardened; and no such concrete shall be mixed or deposited in freezing weather, without the written consent of the Engineer.
   (j)    "Cement", "Fine Aggregate" and "Coarse Aggregate" Defined. "Cement", as used in this article, shall meet the requirements of the specifications for Portland cement, adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, as set forth in its bulletins and other publications. “Fine aggregate”, as used in this article, shall consist of clean sharp sand, crushed stone or gravel screenings, free from all vegetable loam or other deleterious matter. "Coarse aggregate", as used in this article, shall consist of inert matter, such as crushed stone, brickbats, gravel or cold crushed slag. All such materials shall be hard and durable and free from all deleterious matter.