(a)   Dwellings. Individual lots or subdivided parcels ten acres or less in size shall have no building or buildings used for living purposes in addition to the principal building on the same lot, except garage apartments where permitted in a zoning district. Undivided land parcels of ten acres or greater in size shall be limited to one (1) residential structure per ten (10) acre unit of undivided land area. This provision does not apply to factory-built home rental communities.
   (b)   Non-dwellings. Where a lot is not used as a dwelling, more than one principal building may be located upon the lot or tract, but only when such buildings conform to all open space and yard requirements around the lot for the district in which the lot or tract is located. A lot is not used as a dwelling for purposes of this subsection when the lot contains a caretaker's residence used in conjunction with an active industrial establishment or a place of worship or religious institution as provided in this code.
(Passed 8-28-18.)