(a) The following zoning districts have been developed for the Town of Granville:
(1) Mixed Use (MU)
(2) General Commercial (C)
(3) Multi-Family Residential (MF)
(4) Light Industrial (IL)
(5) Heavy Industrial (IH)
(6) Factory-built Home Neighborhood (F)
(b) The boundaries of all zoning districts are shown on the zoning map, which is the official zoning map for the Town of Granville. The map is part of this Zoning Ordinance and is included at the end of this code in Appendix 1.
(c) The use table provides a quick reference to uses permitted by right or conditional in each district. The use table is part of this Zoning Ordinance and is attached at the end of this
code in Appendix 2.
(d) The district boundaries on the Town of Granville Zoning Map are intended to follow property lines; centerlines of roads, water courses, or railroads; other identifiable physical features; or measured distances from property lines, centerlines or identifiable physical features. When the zoning officer cannot determine the location of a zoning district boundary by reference to the zoning district map, the zoning officer shall refuse action, and the Board of Zoning Appeals shall interpret the location of the district boundary with reference to the scale of the map, the comprehensive plan, and the purposes set forth in all relevant provisions of this code, provided that no boundary shall be changed by the Board of Zoning Appeals. When a district boundary line divides a lot held in single or separate ownership at the effective date of this code, the permitted use on the lot is limited to those uses permitted in the zoning district in which the largest part of the lot is located, and the smaller part of the lot located in a another zoning district will be subject to the code provisions where the largest portion of the lot is located.
(e) Unless a use is allowed as a "permitted use by right," "use permitted with conditions," "conditional use," "accessory use," "nonconforming use," or "temporary use," then such use is prohibited. (Passed 8-28-18.)