§ 31.02 TOWN CLERK.
   (A)   The Town Clerk, as an officer of the Town of Granite, Oklahoma, shall attend all meetings of the Town Board of Trustees and keep a journal of the proceedings of the Town Board.
   (B)   The Town Clerk shall have custody of all documents, records and archives of the town, as well as be custodian of the municipal seal.
   (C)   The Town Clerk shall attest and affix the seal to documents as required by law or ordinance and shall see that all ordinances passed are kept on file, in triplicate, in the office of the Town Clerk.
   (D)   The Town Clerk shall have such other powers, duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
   (E)   The Town Clerk shall so keep his or her accounts as to show where and from what sources all monies paid him or her have been derived and to whom and when such monies or any part thereof have been paid. His or her books, accounts and vouchers shall at all times be subject to the examination of the Town Board of Trustees.
   (F)   Recordkeeper.
      (1)   There is hereby created a position for the performance of such duties relating to the maintenance of the books and records and office operations of the town as the Board of Trustees shall prescribe. This position shall be filled by the person serving as the Town Clerk or as otherwise provided by the Board of Trustees. This person shall be an employee of the town and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.
      (2)   The pay period for such position shall be the same as for other municipal employees. Benefits, holidays, and sick leave for such position shall be provided in accordance with any personnel policy or other policy of the town.      
(`85 Code, § 1-26) (Am. Ord. 220, passed 5-10-04)