(A)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      CONTINUED or RECONVENED. A meeting which is assembled for the purpose of finishing business appearing on an agenda of a previous meeting. For the purpose of this act, only matters on the agenda of the previous meeting at which the announcement of the continuance is made may be discussed at a continued or reconvened meeting.
      EMERGENCY MEETING. Any meeting called for the purpose of dealing with an emergency. For purposes of this act, an EMERGENCY is defined as a situation involving injury to persons or injury and damage to public or personal property or immediate financial loss when the time requirements for public notice of a special meeting would make such procedure impractical and increase the likelihood of injury or damage or immediate financial loss.
      MEETING. The conducting of business of a public body by a majority of its members being personally together.
      REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING. A meeting at which the regular business of the public body is conducted.
      SPECIAL MEETING. Any meeting of a public body other than a regularly scheduled meeting or emergency meeting.
   (B)   The Board of Trustees of the Town of Granite shall hereafter meet once a month, except to conduct special meetings, the regular meetings to be held on the second Monday of each month commencing at 5:00 p.m.
   (C)   An agenda for each regularly scheduled meeting of the Granite Town Board of Trustees shall be prepared and shall be publicly posted in the Town Hall at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The agenda shall contain sufficient information in order to generally explain items to be discussed at the meeting. At a minimum, the following items shall appear on the agenda:
      (1)   Call to order;
      (2)   Reading of the minutes;
      (3)   Clerk report;
      (4)   Old business;
      (5)   New business;
      (6)   Public participation;
      (7)   Adjournment.
   (D)   If any change in the date, time or place of a regularly scheduled meeting is made, notice of the change shall be given to the Town Clerk no less than ten days prior to the implementation of such change, and the Clerk shall publicly post a notice of the change.
   (E)   In all meetings of the Granite Town Board of Trustees, the vote of each member must be publicly cast and recorded.
   (F)   No informal gatherings or any electronic or telephonic communications among a majority of the Trustees shall be used to decide any action or to take any vote on any matter.
   (G)   Executive sessions of the Granite Town Board of Trustees will be permitted only for the purpose of discussing the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining or resignation of any individual salaried officer or employee. Any vote or action on any matter discussed in executive session must be taken in public meeting with the vote of each member publicly cast and recorded. No executive session of the Granite Town Board of Trustees may occur except on a vote by a majority of a quorum of the members present.
   (H)   The Clerk shall prepare a schedule of all meetings prior to each calendar year and shall post this schedule in the Town Hall prior to December 15 preceding the calendar year for which the schedule has been determined.
   (I)   Special or emergency Town Board meetings may be called by the Mayor, or by a majority of the Trustees, in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Special meetings shall not be held without public notice, being given at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The public notice of the date, time and place of a special meeting shall be given in writing, in person, or by telephonic means to the Clerk;
      (2)   At least 24 hours prior to a special meeting, a written public notice of the special meeting shall be prominently posted in the Town Hall. The notice shall include the date, time, place and agenda for the special meeting, and only items appearing on the agenda shall be considered at the meeting. The 24 hours public posting shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays and holidays legally declared by the State of Oklahoma.
   (J)   In the event of an emergency, an emergency meeting of the Granite Town Board of Trustees may be held without public note required. Should an emergency meeting be required, as much advance public notice as is reasonable and possible under the circumstances existing shall be made in person or by telephonic or electronic means.
(`85 Code, § 1-13) (Am. Ord. 176, passed 1-26-87; Am. Ord. 180, passed 8-4-87; Am. Ord. 184, passed 9-12-88)