Lands to which this chapter applies. This chapter shall apply to all lands within the jurisdiction of the city, shown on the official zoning map and/or the attachments thereto as being located within the boundaries of the floodway, flood fringe, and General Floodplain districts, and further detailed in §§ 151.03 and 151.10.
(A) The Floodway, Flood Fringe, or General Floodplain Districts are overlay districts superimposed on all existing zoning districts. The standards imposed in the overlay districts are in addition to any other requirements in this chapter. In case of a conflict, the more restrictive standards will apply.
(B) Where a conflict exists between the floodplain limits illustrated on the official floodplain maps and actual field conditions, the base flood elevations shall be the governing factor in locating the outer boundaries of the 1% annual chance floodplain.
(C) The regulatory limits of the district boundaries shall be further extended outward based on the horizontal extension of the regulatory flood protection elevation (RFPE), defined in § 151.07.
(D) Persons contesting the location of the district boundaries will be given a reasonable opportunity to present their case to the Planning Commission and to submit technical evidence.
(Ord. 161, passed 3-5-2012; Ord. 202, passed 9-20-2021)