(A) All appeals from and review of any order, requirement, decision, or determination, made by the Building Inspector in enforcing the provisions of this title, shall be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any appeal from the failure by the Building Inspector to act shall also be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Such appeal may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer or department or the President and Board of Trustees of the village. Failure of the Building Inspector to act within 30 days after application to the inspector shall be considered a determination adverse to the applicant, unless the applicant is in default to the village. A default occurs when an applicant owes money to the village or is being prosecuted for violation of a village ordinance, in which case, the Building Inspector or the Zoning Board of Appeals shall defer action until such money is paid or such prosecution completed.
(B) Notices of appeal from decisions of the Building Inspector shall be filed within 20 days from such decision or, if no decision has been made, within 30 days of application to the Building Inspector. Notices of appeal shall be filed with the Building Inspector and/or the Village Clerk and shall specify the grounds of appeal. Such notice shall be delivered by the Building Inspector and/or Village Clerk to the Zoning Board of Appeals, together with all papers constituting the record in such case.
(Ord. 282, passed 8-15-1989)