(A)   No person shall erect a fence without a permit.
   (B)   The following procedures shall govern permits.
      (1)   An application for fence permit shall be submitted to the Village Office together with a nonrefundable permit fee of $25. The office manager shall give the application to the Trustee in charge of zoning and permits, and shall give the application fee to the Treasurer.
      (2)   The application shall include a statement whether the fence is new construction or a replacement fence and shall include:
         (a)   For new construction only, a survey of the lot, signed and stamped by a registered land surveyor, showing the location of property pins, and upon which is superimposed a diagram of the proposed location of the fence. A survey need not be recent so long as it is accurate and property lines have not changed since the survey was made; and
         (b)   A description of the fence, including materials, height, and a statement whether the fence will be open and to what degree.
   (C)   The Trustee in charge of zoning and permits, or a village employee designated by the Trustee, shall visit the site and verify the locations of pins shown on the survey.
   (D)   The Trustee in charge of zoning and permits shall grant the permit if the requirements of this chapter are met.
   (E)   The Trustee in charge of zoning and permits shall deny the permit if the application or the fence described in the application do not meet the requirements of this chapter. If the permit is denied, the applicant may resubmit a corrected application within ten days of its initial denial without paying an additional application fee. A subsequent denial of a resubmitted application, or a denial which is not appealed within 30 days, shall be final.
   (F)   Denials of permits may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
   (G)   The Trustee in charge of zoning and permits shall maintain records of permit applications, grants, and denials in the Village Utility Office.
(Ord. 04-02, passed 3-16-2004) Penalty, see § 10-6-99