(a)   Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this section.
      (1)   "Health Commissioner" menas the Health Commissioner of the City or his authorized representative.
      (2)   "Veterinarian" means a veterinarian duly licensed by the State, or a veterinarian licensed by any other state having laws regulating the practice of veterinary medicine, or a veterinarian duly authorized by the United States government to perform certain duties of a veterinarian.
      (3)   "Immunization" means the administration of a biological product approved and/or licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture and/or the Ohio State Department of Agriculture and deemed adequate, by the veterinarian administering the biological product, to protect the animal so treated against rabies.
   (b)   Immunization. Any person who keeps or harbors a dog or cat within the City shall have such dog or cat immunized against rabies and each twelve months thereafter shall have such dog or cat re-immunized. Any method, other than that of re-immunization described above, approved by the Health Commissioner and approved and/or licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture and/or the State of Ohio Department of Agriculture, may be used. Dogs or cats need not be immunized before reaching the age of three months. Dogs or cats entering this jurisdiction temporarily for dog or cat shows or exhibition and/or breeding purposes shall not be allowed out of the owner's, keeper's or handler's control, unless properly immunized, and all dogs or cats entering this jurisdiction for field trials or hunting purposes, or any other purpose, shall be properly immunized, and immunized dogs and cats shall be accompanied by an immunization certificate accomplished by the veterinarian that has immunized the dog or cat.
   (c)   Records. All veterinarians immunizing or re-immunizing dogs or cats against rabies shall keep a record of such immunization or re-immunization and shall, without delay, give to the owner or keeper of the dog or cat immunized or re-immunized a certificate of immunization which shall include a number identifying the individual record, a complete description of the dog or cat, the place where the dog or cat is kept or harbored, the name of the owner, keeper or harborer of the dog or cat and his or her address, the date and type of immunization or re-immunization and such other pertinent information as is needed, and the signature and address of the veterinarian. The veterinarian shall also, without delay, forward the information, required on the certificate described in this section, to the Franklin County Department of Animal Control.
   (d)   Certificates. The certificates described in subsection (c) hereof, shall be purchased from the Columbus, Ohio, Department of Health.
   (e)   Tags. All veterinarians who immunize or re-immunize a dog against rabies shall provide a tag approved by the Health Commissioner, which shall have thereon permanently affixed the year of immunization or re-immunization and the number indicating the record prescribed in subsection (c) hereof. Such tag shall be securely fastened to the collar or harness worn by the dog. Failure to wear such tag shall be prima-facie evidence of the lack of immunization.
   (f)   Dogs or Cats Running At Large. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to mean that dogs or cats immunized or re-immunized shall be allowed to run at large in violation of any rabies quarantine, law, ordinance or regulation.
   (g)   Administration and Enforcement. The Board of Health may appoint and authorize a qualified agency for the purpose of administering and enforcing this section.
   (h)   Report of Bite or Injury by Dog or Other Animal. Whenever a person is bitten or injured by a dog, cat or other animal, a prompt report of such bite or injury shall be made to the Health Commissioner of the Grandview Heights Health District. Such report shall be made by the physician called to treat such bite or injury, or if such injured person is received at a hospital or dispensary for treatment the report herein required shall be made by the superintendent or person in charge of such hospital or dispensary. Where a physician is not consulted or the person is not taken to a hospital or dispensary, the report shall be made by the person bitten or injured, or if a minor, then by his parent or by any other person who has knowledge of the facts.
   (i)   Report by Veterinarian. Upon receipt of any such notice of bite or injury it shall be the duty of the Health Commissioner to notify the owner or harborer of such dog, cat or other animal, who shall take such dog, cat or other animal to a recognized veterinarian for examination. Any veterinarian who makes an examination of a dog, cat or other animal that has bitten or injured a person shall promptly report the result of his examination to the Health Commissioner. Such dog, cat or other animal inflicting such bite or injury shall be confined to the County dog pound or in a hospital of a recognized veterinarian until it is determined that the animal is not afflicted with rabies. Such isolation period hereby required shall not be less than ten days from the date the person was bitten or injured, provided, however, that if such biting or injury, or such examination, is during the period of an epidemic of rabies and a quarantine has been declared within the City, such period of isolation shall not be less than twenty-one days from the date the person was bitten or injured. If the owner or harborer of such dog, cat or other animal cannot be found, or fails or refuses to make the necessary arrangements with such veterinarian for the examination and isolation of such dog, cat or other animal, then the Health Commissioner shall cause the examination to be made and to have such dog confined in the County dog pound as hereinabove provided.
(Ord. 1-87. Passed 1-5-87.)