(a)    ARCADE- Extension of a facade where a colonnade supporting habitable space overlaps the sidewalk, while the facade at the sidewalk level remains at the building foundation line.
   (b)    AUTO-COURT- Frontage wherein a portion of the facade is set back to create an area suitable for vehicular drop-offs. Permanent parking is not permitted.
   (c)    BLOCK- area circumscribed by public rights-of-way.
   (d)    CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS: A statement of land use and design approval awarded by the Director, subject to the provisions of Section 1157.09.05 (c), determining that the proposed alteration, expansion, construction or reconstruction to a site within the District, is consistent with the District Framework Plan and this Section 1157.09.
   (e)    CUT-OFF LIGHT-A fixture where the source of illumination is not visible from an established plane of reference.
   (f)    EMPLOYMENT-ORIENTED- Uses which contain a high number of employees per net floor area of building space.
   (g)    ENCROACH- To break the plane of a vertical or horizontal regulatory limit with a structural element, so that it extends into a setback, into the public right-of-way, or height limitation.
   (h)    ENTERTAINMENT USE- Establishments that sell commodities which are consumed or utilized on the premises for recreation or leisure.
   (i)   FACADE- Exterior wall of a building.
   (j)   FORECOURT- Frontage wherein a portion of the facade is set back into the private site area to create an internal open space.
   (k)    GALLERY OVERHANG- Extension of an overhang to encompass a sidewalk and is either cantilevered or supported by a colonnade.
   (l)    LARGE FORMAT RETAIL- A single retail user that occupies more than 20,000 square feet of retail sales space.
   (m)    MIXED USE- Multiple functions within the same building through horizontal or vertical stratification, or in another building by adjacency. Includes multi-story commercial office buildings or multi-story residential buildings which contemplate retail uses on ground floor.
   (n)    OFFICE TENANT- An occupant of building space dedicated to the engagement of general business.
   (o)    PARKING LOT- A surface lot paved with asphalt or concrete for the parking of vehicles that are customers, employees, or residents of an adjacent parcel.
   (p)   PARKING STRUCTURE-A building that contains one or more levels of parking above grade.
   (q)    POCKET PARK- a small compact park space that is accessible to the general public which is usually inserted between buildings and built space along a streetscape to provide a concentrated space for landscape and outdoor seating.
   (r)    PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW MEETING - a work session meeting between the Director and the Applicant, the purpose of which is to ensure completeness of the submittal, which shall take place no less than five (5) business days prior to the submission of an application and which shall be a staff level meeting. The Pre-Application Review Meeting is required unless specifically waived by the Director.
   (s)    PRIMARY FRONTAGE- Lot lines against public rights-of-way.
   (t)    PRIVATE AMENITY ZONE- Portion of the pedestrian zone between the public right-of-way and the building facade which connects the public sidewalk with storefronts and building entrances. This area can be used for things such as wider sidewalks, planting strips, outdoor seating, and/or outdoor display.
   (u)   PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS - all improvements, structures, green spaces, plazas, and walkways that are privately owned, including private streets, alleys and walkways granting easements for public access.
   (v)    PUBLICLY DEDICATED IMPROVEMENTS -all roadways, streets, alleys and green spaces that are publicly dedicated by plat or deed.
   (w)    PUBLIC SPACE IMPROVEMENTS -all improvements located in or on Publicly Dedicated Improvements or private property subject to a public easement that are not Publicly Dedicated Improvements, including without limitation, lighting, landscaping, sidewalks, materials, utilities, and other improvements.
   (x)    REDEVELOPMENT- Renovation of a parcel that changes the character of the site plan or building.
   (y)    RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX-A grouping of habitable units.
   (z)    RETAIL BUILDING -Any newly constructed building that is expected to consist primarily of retail use(s); provided, that a Retail Building shall not be defined to include any Mixed Use building or the rehabilitation of any existing buildings even if such buildings are to be used for retail purposes.
   (aa)    RETAIL TENANT -An occupant of building space dedicated to the sale of merchandise and/or food service.
   (bb)    SETBACK- The area of a lot measured from the lot line to a building facade and is clear of enclosed structures. Exceptions are made for permitted encroachments, gallery overhangs, and arcades.
   (cc)    SHARED PARKING- Parking that is available to more than one user with consent of property owner.
   (dd)    STORY- The level of a building, excluding attics, basements, or mezzanines.
   (ee)    STREET TREE- Trees and other landscape materials planted within a street right-of-way subject to the review and final approval of the Director.
(Ord. 2019-05. Passed 2-4-19.)