(a)    No person operating or maintaining any occupancy, premises, or vehicle subject to this Fire Code shall permit any fire hazard to exist on premises under his or her control and no person shall fail to take immediate action to abate a fire hazard when ordered or notified to do so by the Fire Code Official or his designated representative.
   (b)    No owner, operator, occupant, or other person responsible for the condition or violation to which the order or notice pertains shall fail to comply with any order or notice issued or served as provided in this Fire Code. Every order or notice shall set forth a time limit for compliance dependent upon the hazard and danger created by the violation. In cases of extreme danger to persons or property, immediate compliance shall be required . If the building or other premises is owned by one person and occupied by another, under lease or otherwise, and the order or notice requires additions or changes in the building or premises or such as would immediately become real estate on the premises, such order or notice shall be complied with by the owner, provided that if the owner and occupant have otherwise agreed between them, the occupant may also comply with the order or notice.
   (c)    No person shall remove a tag affixed under the Fire Code without prior authority from the Fire Code Official or representative to do so.
   (d)    No person shall use a building, premises, or device in violation of a tag affixed under this Fire Code.
   (e)    Enforcement Powers.
      (1)   The Chief of the Fire Department, the Fire Marshal and those City employees assigned as provided herein to the Bureau shall cause the arrest of any person violating the provisions of the Fire Code and all other ordinances or regulations for the prevention of fires and to prosecute such offenders.
      (2)   The Chief of the Fire Department, the Fire Marshal and all employees assigned as provided herein to the Bureau shall have the powers of the patrolmen in the Police Department.
      (3)   Subsections (e)(1) and (e)(2) hereof shall not limit the enforcement powers and duties of police officers and other officers of the City.
      (4)   For Municipal criminal proceedings, the complaint, warrant or summons, or the issuance of a citation in minor misdemeanor case shall reference the numerical designation of the applicable Municipal ordinance, including the specific provision of the Fire Code, or any order issued pursuant thereto, provided that such order shall fix a reasonable time for abatement of the violation. Enforcement proceedings for violation of Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3737 shall be as is prescribed in Ohio Revised Code Sections 3737.41 to 3737.46.
   (f)    Penalty for Violations.
      (1)   Penalties for violations of the Fire Code, both civil and criminal, shall be those set forth in the Fire Code or applicable law.
      (2)   Whoever violates provisions of this Fire Code or fails to comply with any order issued pursuant to any section thereof, for which a penalty is not otherwise provided in the Fire Code or applicable law, shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor and fined not more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for a first offense, and upon conviction of a subsequent violation of the same Fire Code provisions within one year, and such first and subsequent violation are so specified in the complaint, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree and fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned in the county jail or workhouse for a period not to exceed sixty days, or both.
      (3)   Each calendar day that a violation continues after service of notice as provided for in this Fire Code shall be deemed a separate offense.
      (4)   Civil penalties imposed by the Fire Code shall be paid to the Grandview Heights Finance Director for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. Such penalties may be recovered in a civil action in the name of Grandview Heights brought in the Court of Common Pleas.
   (g)    Correction of Violation Required. The imposition of the penalties herein described shall not prevent the City from instituting appropriate action to prevent unlawful construction or to restrain, correct, or abate a violation, or to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure, or premises or to stop an illegal act, conduct of business, or use of a building or structure in or about any premises.
   (h)    Appeals. A respondent who is the subject of a decision of the Fire Code Official shall have the right to appeal the decision to the City's Mayor's Court. Such an application for appeal shall be in writing, shall specifically identify the decision that is the subject of the application for appeal and the grounds for the appeal. The application for appeal must be filed in the Mayor's Court not later than five (5) business days (excluding intervening weekend days and legal holiday days) after the notice or order that is the subject of the appeal was served upon the respondent. The application for appeal must contain a certificate of service showing that a copy of the application for appeal is served contemporaneously on (1) the official from whose decision the application for appeal is taken and (2) upon the occupier or owner of the property that is the subject of the decision that is being appealed, if the respondent is not the occupier or owner of the property. (Ord. 2019-18. Passed 5-6-19.)
Code Section 1301:7-7-01(L) of the Code is hereby amended to add sub-part 112.4 as follows:
State Fire Marshal Permit Required: The following permits must
be obtained from the State Fire Marshall:
(A) Explosives. A permit is required for the manufacture, processing or storage of explosives and explosive materials.
(1) Exceptions:
(aa) Fireworks storage pursuant to part (J)(3310) of Rule 1301:7-7-33 of the Administrative Code.
(bb) A manufacturer or wholesaler of fireworks that is licensed, in compliance with, and has paid an original or a renewal application fee in accordance with subpart (Q), Section 3317 of Rule 1301:7-7-33 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
(B) Flammable and Combustible Liquids Tanks. A permit is required to install, alter, place temporarily out of service,
remove, abandon or otherwise dispose of a flammable or combustible liquid tank or any line or dispensing device
connected thereto.
Fire Code Official Permit Required: The following permits must be obtained from the Fire Code Official:
(A) LP-gas system. A permit is required for the installation or modification to a stationary LP-gas system.
The permit fee is $75.00
(B) Standpipe systems. A permit is required for the removal of a standpipe system or appurtenances.
The permit fee is $75.00
(C) Temporary membrane structures, tents and canopies. A permit is required for the construction of an air-supported temporary membrane structure, a tent having an area in excess of 400 square feet (37 m2), or a canopy in excess of 400 square feet (37 m2).
The permit fee is $75.00
(D) Exhibition of fireworks. A permit is required for the temporary storage of fireworks and a permit is required for the
exhibition of fireworks as set forth in Chapter 3743 of the Ohio Revised Code and Rule 1301:7-7-33 of the Administrative Code.
The permit fee is $75.00
Operational Permits. A one-time permit is required for each of the following operations, at the change of occupancy or change of business or use as referenced in the Fire Code:
The permit fee is $75.00
Aerosol products. An operational permit is required to manufacture, store or handle an aggregate quantity of Level 2 or Level 3 aerosol products in excess of 500 pounds (227kg) net weight.
The permit fee is $75.00
Amusement buildings. An operational permit is required to operate a special amusement building.
The permit fee is $75.00
Aviation facilities. An operational permit is required to use a Group H or Group S occupancy for aircraft servicing or repair and aircraft fuel-servicing vehicles
The permit fee is $75.00
Carbon Dioxide System. An operational permit for carbon dioxide systems used in beverage dispensing applications having
more than 100 pounds of carbon dioxide
The permit fee is $75.00
Carnivals and fairs. An operational permit is required to conduct a carnival or fair.
The permit fee is $75.00
Cellulose nitrate film. An operational permit is required to store, handle or use cellulose nitrate film in a Group A occupancy.
The permit fee is $75.00
Combustible dust-producing operations. An operational permit is required to operate a grain elevator, flour starch mill, feed mill, or a plant pulverizing aluminum, coal, cocoa, magnesium, spices or sugar, or other operations producing combustible dusts as defined in rule 1301:7-7-02 of the Administrative Code.
The permit fee is $75.00
Combustible fibers. An operational permit is required for the storage and handling of combustible fibers in quantities greater than 100 cubic feet (2.8 m3), except for agricultural storage.
The permit fee is $75.00
Compressed gases. An operational permit is required for the storage, use or handling at normal temperature and pressure (NTP) of compressed gases in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.8 of Rule 1301.7-7-01 of the Ohio Administrative
Code, except for vehicles equipped for and using compressed gas as a fuel for propelling that vehicle.
The permit fee is $75.00
Covered mall buildings. An operational permit is required for:
The permit fee is $75.00
(A) The placement of retail fixtures and displays, concession equipment, displays of highly combustible goods and similar items in the mall.
The permit fee is $75.00
(B) The display of liquid- or gas-fired equipment in the mall.
The permit fee is $75.00
(C) The use of open-flame or flame-producing equipment in the mall.
The permit fee is $75.00
Cryogenic fluids. An operational permit is required to produce, store, transport on site, use, handle or dispense cryogenic fluids in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.10 of Rule 1301.7-7-01 of the Ohio Administrative Code, except for vehicles equipped for and using cryogenic fluids as a fuel for propelling that vehicle or for refrigerating the lading.
The permit fee is $75.00
Cutting and welding. An operational permit is required to conduct cutting or welding operations within the jurisdiction.
The permit fee is $50.00
Dry cleaning plants. An operational permit is required to engage in the business of dry cleaning or to change to a more hazardous
cleaning solvent used in existing dry cleaning equipment.
The permit fee is $75.00
Exhibits and trade shows. An operational permit is required to operate exhibits and trade shows.
The permit fee is $75.00
Explosives. In addition to the permit required under subpart 112.4.l(A), an operational permit is required for the
manufacture, storage, handling, sale or use of any quantity of explosives, explosive materials, fireworks, or pyrotechnic special
effects within the scope of Rule 1301:7-7-33 of the Ohio Administrative Code, except for storage in Group R-3 occupancies of smokeless propellant, black powder and small arms primers for personal use, not for resale and in accordance with paragraph (F)(3306) of Rule 1301:7-7-33 of the Ohio
Administrative Code.
The permit fee is $75.00
Fire hydrants and valves. An operational permit is required to use or operate fire hydrants or valves intended for fire suppression purposes which are installed on water systems and accessible to a fire apparatus access road that is open to or
generally used by the public, except for authorized employees of the water company that supplies the system or the fire department. A refundable bond may be required for the use of hydrants other than the public hydrant located at 1525 West
Goodale Blvd.
The permit fee is $30.00
Flammable and combustible liquids. In addition to the permit required under subpart 112.4.l(B), an operational permit is
The permit fee is $75.00
(A) To use or operate a pipeline for the transportation within facilities of flammable or combustible liquids, except this requirement shall not apply to the off-site transportation in pipelines regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) or does it apply to piping systems.
The permit fee is $75.00
(B) To store, handle or use Class I liquids in excess of 5 gallons (19 L) in a building or in excess of 10 gallons (37.9 L) outside of a building, except for the following:
(1) The storage or use of Class I liquids in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant or mobile heating plant, unless such storage, in the opinion of the local fire code official, would cause an unsafe condition.
(2) The storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes or similar flammable mixtures when such liquids are stored for maintenance, painting or similar purposes for a period of not more than 30 days.
The permit fee is $75.00
(C) To store, handle or use Class II or Class IIIA liquids in excess of 25 gallons (95L) in a building or in excess of 60 gallons (227 L) outside a building, except for fuel oil used in connection with oil burning equipment.
The permit fee is $75.00
(D) To store, handle or use Class 111B liquids in tanks or portable tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel-dispensing facilities or where connected to fuel burning equipment, except
fuel oil and used motor oil used for space or water heating.
The permit fee is $75.00
(E) To remove Class I or Class II liquids from an underground storage tank used for fueling motor vehicles by any means other
than the approved, stationary on-site pumps normally used for dispensing purposes.
The permit fee is $75.00
(F) To operate tank vehicles, equipment, tanks, plants, terminals, fuel-dispensing stations, refineries, distilleries and similar
facilities where flammable and combustible liquids are produced, processed, transported, stored, dispensed or used.
The permit fee is $75.00
(G) To place temporarily out of service (for more than ninety days) an underground, protected aboveground or aboveground flammable or combustible liquid tank.
The permit fee is $75.00
(H) To change the type of contents stored in a flammable or combustible liquid tank to a material that poses a greater hazard
than that for which the tank was designed and constructed.
The permit fee is $75.00
(I) To manufacture, process, blend or refine flammable or combustible liquids.
The permit fee is $75.00
(J) To engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles at commercial, industrial, governmental or
manufacturing establishments
The permit fee is $75.00
(K) To utilize a site for the dispensing of liquid fuels from tank vehicles into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, marine craft and
other special equipment at commercial, industrial, governmental or manufacturing establishments.
The permit fee is $75.00
Floor finishing. An operational permit is required for floor finishing or surfacing operations exceeding 350 square feet (33
m2) using Class I or Class II liquids
The permit fee is $75.00
Fruit and crop ripening. An operational permit is required to operate a fruit-, or crop-ripening facility or conduct a fruit-
ripening process using ethylene gas.
The permit fee is $75.00
Fumigation and thermal insecticidal fogging. An operational permit is required to conduct a business of fumigation or
thermal insecticidal fogging and to maintain a room, vault or chamber in which a toxic or flammable fumigant is used.
The permit fee is $75.00
Hazardous materials. An operational permit is required to store, transport on site, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.20 of Rule 1301:7-7-33 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
The permit fee is $75.00
HPM facilities. An operational permit is required to store, handle or use hazardous production materials.
The permit fee is $75.00
High-piled storage. An operational permit to use a building or portion thereof as a high-piled storage area exceeding 500 square feet (46 m2).
The permit fee is $75.00
Hot work operations. An operational permit is required for hot work including, but not limited to:
The permit fee is $75.00
(A) Public exhibitions and demonstrations where hot work is conducted
The permit fee is $75.00
(B) Use of portable hot work equipment inside a structure, except work that is conducted under a construction permit.
The permit fee is $75.00
(C) Fixed-site hot work equipment such as welding booths.
The permit fee is $75.00
(D) Hot work conducted within a wildfire risk area.
The permit fee is $75.00
(E) Application of roof coverings with the use of an open-flame device.
The permit fee is $75.00
(F) When approved, the Fire Code Official may issue a permit to carry out a "Hot Work Program." This program allows approved personnel to regulate their facility's hot work operations. The approved personnel shall be trained in the fire safety aspects denoted in the Code and shall be responsible for complying with the conditions of the permits and the requirements found in Rule 1301:7-7-26 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
The permit fee is $75.00
Industrial ovens. An operational permit is required for operation of industrial ovens regulated by Rule 1301:7-7-21 of the Ohio
Administrative Code.
The permit fee is $75.00
Lumber yards and woodworking plants. An operational permit is required for the storage or processing of lumber exceeding
100,000 board feet (8333 ft3) (236m3)
The permit fee is $75.00
Liquid- or gas-fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly buildings. An operation permit is required to display, operate or    demonstrate liquid- or gas-fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly buildings.
The permit fee is $75.00
LP-gas. An operational permit is required for:
(A) the storage and use of LP-gas, except for individual containers with a SOD-gallon (1893 L) water capacity or less serving occupancies in Group R-3.
The permit fee is $75.00
(B) the operation of cargo tankers that transport LP-gas.
The permit fee is $75.00
Magnesium. An operational permit is required to melt, cast, heat treat or grind more than 10 pounds (4.54 kg) of magnesium.
The permit fee is $75.00
Miscellaneous combustible storage. An operational permit is required to store in any building or upon any premises in excess of 2,500 cubic feet (71 m3) gross volume of combustible empty packing cases, boxes, barrels or similar containers, rubber tires,
rubber, cork or similar combustible material.
The permit fee is $75.00
Motor fuel-dispensing facilities. An operational permit for the operation of automotive, marine and fleet motor fuel-dispensing facilities.
The permit fee is $75.00.
Open burning. An operational permit is required for the kindling or maintaining of an open fire or a fire on any public street, alley, road, or other public or private ground, except for recreational fires as defined in subpart 302.1; and further provided that Instructions and Stipulations in the permit are
adhered to.
The permit fee is $75.00
Open flames and torches. An operational permit is required to remove paint with a torch; or to use a torch or open-flame device in a wildfire risk area.
The permit fee is $75.00
Open flames and candles. An operational permit is required to use open flames or candles in connection with assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.
The permit fee is $75.00
Organic coatings. An operational permit is required for any 105.6.35 organic-coating manufacturing operation producing more than 1 gallon (4 L) of an organic coating in one day.
The permit fee is $75.00
Places of assembly. An operational permit is required for a place of assembly.
The permit fee is $75.00
Private fire hydrants; Hydrant Use Approval.
[A] Private fire hydrants. An operational permit is required for the removal from service, use or operation of private fire hydrants, except for private industry with trained maintenance personnel, private fire brigade or fire departments to maintain, test and use private hydrants.
The permit fee is $75.00
Pyrotechnic special effects material. An operational permit is required for use and handling of pyrotechnic special effects material.
The permit fee is $75.00
Pyroxylin plastics. An operational permit is required for storage or handling of more than 25 pounds (11 kg) of cellulose nitrate (pyroxylin) plastics and for the assembly or manufacture of articles involving pyroxylin plastics.
The permit fee is $75.00
Refrigeration equipment. An operational permit is required to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system regulated by Rule 1301:7-7-06 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
The permit fee is $75.00
Repair garages and motor fuel-dispensing facilities. An operational permit is required for operation of repair garages and automotive, marine and fleet motor fuel-dispensing facilities.
The permit fee is $75.00
Rooftop heliports. An operational permit is required for the operation of a rooftop heliport
The permit fee is $75.00
Spraying or dipping. An operational permit is required to conduct a spraying or dipping operation utilizing flammable or combustible liquids or the application of combustible powders regulated by Rule 1301:7-7-15 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
The permit fee is $75.00
Storage of scrap tires and tire byproducts. An operational permit is required to establish, conduct or maintain storage of scrap tires and tire byproducts that exceed 2,500 cubic feet (71 m3) of
total volume of scrap tires and for indoor storage of tires and tire byproducts.
The permit fee is $75.00
Temporary membrane structures and tents. An operational permit is required to operate an air-supported temporary membrane structure or a tent having an area in excess of 400 square feet (37 m2), except:
(A) Tents used exclusively for recreational camping purposes.
(B) Tents open on all sides, which comply with all of the following: (1) Individual tents having a maximum size of 700 square feet (65 m2); (2) The aggregate area of multiple tents placed side by side without a fire break clearance of not less than 12 feet (3658 mm) not exceeding 700 square feet (65 m2) total; (3) A minimum clearance of 12 feet (3658 mm) to structures and other tents is provided.
The permit fee is $75.00
Tire-rebuilding plants. An operational permit is required for the operation and maintenance of a tire-rebuilding plant.
The permit fee is $75.00
Waste handling. An operational permit is required for the operation of wrecking yards, junk yards and waste material handling facilities.
The permit fee is $75.00
Wood products. An operational permit is required to store chips, hogged material, lumber or plywood in excess of 200 cubic feet (6m3).
The permit fee is $75.00
Plans Examination Fee: Should it be the opinion of the Fire Code Official that the services of a professional plans examiner are required, then a deposit of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) shall be
required at the time the plans are submitted for examination. Should the plans examination fee be in excess of seventy-five dollars ($75.00), the balance due shall be added to the permit 1501.02 (d) fee. In the event the plans examination fee is less than seventy-five dollars ($75.00), the excess shall be applied to the fire permit fee. In any event, the applicant shall be liable for the full amount of the plans examination fee and the applicable permit(s) fee(s).
Exam fee is $75.00
Re-inspection Fee: Any permit issuance requiring more than one inspection, due to the lack of readiness of the applicant(s) or their agent(s), improper or inadequate preparation or installation or delay caused by the applicant(s) or their agent(s), or any reason causing additional inspections not usual and customary for the process or site being inspected, shall require an additional fee to be paid for each additional inspection needed.
The fee for each re-inspection is $75.00
4. Penalty for transmitting a false alarm(s) within one calendar year:      
(A) First offense: Verbal Warning.
(B) Second offense: Written Warning.
(C) Third offense: Civil ($100.00).
(D) Fourth offense: Civil ($200.00).
(E) Fifth and successive offense: Mandatory Court
2. Whoever violates provisions of this Fire Code or fails to comply with any order issued pursuant to any section thereof, for which a penalty is not otherwise provided in the Fire Code or applicable law, shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor and fined not more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for a first offense, and upon conviction of a subsequent violation of the same Fire Code provisions within one year, and such first and subsequent violation are so specified in the complaint, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree and fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned in the county
jail or workhouse for a period not to exceed sixty days, or both
1st Offense Not to exceed
Subsequent violations Not to
Exceed $500.00
Not to Exceed 60 days
imprisonment or
SECTION 1501.02(q)
Appendix "E"
Schedule of Designated Fire Lanes
Required Lanes: The fire lanes are hereby established as follows:
   (a)    Twenty -five feet north and south of the private fire hydrant located on the west side if the auxiliary driveway at 1000 Urlin Ave.
   (b)    An auxiliary driveway twenty feet wide, formerly known as Quay Ave, running North from West Goodale Blvd. a distance of 480 feet, more or less, to Burr Court.
   (c)    An auxiliary driveway twenty feet wide, running Westerly 100 feet from the East end of Burr Court, as the property line, to the East curb line4 at the existing North-South fire lane formerly known as Quay Ave.
   (d)    An auxiliary driveway twenty feet wide and one hundred sixty feet long, more or less, running along the eastside of the property known as Grandview Heights Edison Elementary School and numbered 1240 Oakland Avenue.
   (e)    An auxiliary driveway sixteen feet wide and two hundred feet long, more or less, running along the east side of the property known as Grandview Heights High School and numbered as 1587 West Third Avenue.
   (f)    An auxiliary driveway nineteen feet wide and one hundred thirty-five feet long, more or less, running along the west side of the property known as Grandview Heights High School and numbered as 1587 West Third Avenue.
   (g)    An auxiliary driveway nineteen feet wide and one hundred seventy feet long, more or less, running along the west side of the property know as Grandview Heights Middle School and numbered as 1240 Oakland Avenue.
   (h)    An auxiliary driveway seventeen feet wide and one hundred forty feet long, more or less, running west from Oxley Road along the north side of the property know as Grandview Heights Stevenson Elementary School and numbered as 1065 Oxley Road.
   (i)    The roadway along the east side, north bound lane, of Oxley Road from West Goodale Blvd to West First Avenue.
   (j)    The roadway along the south side of Mulford Road between Grandview Avenue and Mulford Road.
   (k)    The roadway along the north side of Second Avenue between Grandview Ave and Willard Avenue.
   (l)   The roadway along the eastside of Oxley Road between Northwest Blvd and the Corporation Limits.
   (m)    The roadway along the north side of Second Ave between Norton and Edgehill.
   (n)    The roadway along the eastside of Dover between Second Avenue and the Corporation Limits.
   (o)    The roadway along the west side of Willard Avenue between Second Avenue and First Ave.
   (p)   The roadway along the west side of Broadview Ave between First Avenue and the Corporation Limits.
   (q)    The roadway along the eastside of Ashland Avenue between the Corporation Limits and Merrick Road.
   (r)    The roadway along the west side of Wyandotte Road between Bluff Road and Grandview Avenue.
   (s)    The roadway along the eastside of Wyandotte Road between First Avenue and Third Avenue.
   (t)    The roadway along the west side of Glenn Avenue between First Avenue and Third Avenue.
   (u)    The roadway along the west side of Lincoln Road between First Avenue and Fifth Avenue.
   (v)    The roadway along the north side of Mulford Road between Mulford Road and McClain Road.
   (w)    The roadway along the south side of McClain Road between Mulford Road and Oxley Road.
   (x)    The roadway along the south side of Timberman Road between Copeland Road and Oxley Road.
(Ord. 2019-18. Passed 5-6-19.)