(a)   Any principal use or building, where the use is discontinued for any period of time, shall be securely locked to prevent the entrance of unauthorized persons and shall be maintained as may be necessary to prevent the building or structure from deteriorating into a state of disrepair; the grounds shall be manicured and kept free of weeds and rubbish. If the use is to be discontinued for a period of ninety days or more, any outdoor facilities or special equipment shall be removed, enclosed or otherwise cared for in a manner protecting the public interest. Use of a lot for parking or similar purposes, without a special permit from the Board of Zoning Appeals, shall be deemed a new principal use and shall be subject to all regulations of this Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)   Determination and Effect of Abandonment.
      (1)   It is hereby found and declared that every building which may be abandoned, in the manner provided herein, is likely to constitute a public nuisance, by reason of the deterioration of the structures and grounds resulting from a lack of maintenance and supervision, and which conditions cause a blighting influence on nearby properties and depreciate the neighborhood to such an extent as to be harmful to the public health, safety, welfare and morals. An abandoned building or lot is defined as one which has been unoccupied for any six months in any twelve month period and for which maintenance and supervision has not been performed.
      (2)   Whenever the Mayor or his authorized representative finds, upon investigation, a building or lot which appears to have been abandoned, he shall hold a hearing on the question of abandonment. A notice of the date of such hearing shall be sent to the owner of the property in question at least fifteen days before the hearing date.
      (3)   The Mayor shall cause photographs for such building and grounds to be made and to be kept on file in the office of the Director of Building and Zoning, together with a written report of the findings of the aforesaid hearing.
      (4)   Within seven days after such hearing, the Mayor shall cause a written notice to be served on the owner stating his determination as to whether the building or lot has been abandoned. Said notice shall state that unless the owner shall cause the building and other improvements and the grounds on which the same are located to be properly maintained, the City will cause such work to be done.
      (5)   In the event of the failure of the owner to immediately provide such maintenance or other work required by these Codified Ordinances, the Mayor shall cause such work to be done and shall bill the cost thereof to the owner, and if the same is not paid within a reasonable period of time, the Mayor shall cause such cost to be levied as an assessment or he may commence a civil action for the recovery thereof.
      (6)   The notices above provided for shall be served either personally or by leaving a copy at the usual place of resident or by mailing a copy by United States Certified Mail with return receipt requested to such owner at this usual place of residence. If the service of said written notice is not perfected by any of the said methods, the Mayor shall cause such notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Grandview Heights once each week for two consecutive weeks, and shall further cause a copy of the notice to be posted on the premises.
      (7)   The owner may, within ten days after completion of the service of said notice of the findings of the hearing, appeal to the City Council the determination that the building has been abandoned. Council shall give the Appellant at least five days written notice of the date fixed for such hearing, and shall give Appellant written notice of its decision on such appeal. (Ord. 98-13. Passed 9-8-98; Ord. 2012-01. Passed 1-17-12.)