937.01 GENERAL.
    (a)    The City Director of Building and Zoning shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Stormwater Management Code and shall not allow any development of land area unless such development meets the design requirements specified in the City of Grandview Heights Stormwater Design Manual adopted February 16, 2009 and all revisions and amendments thereto. Copies of the Manual are on file in the office of the Clerk of Council and the Department of Building and Zoning and are available for downloading from the City web page. The Public Service Director shall serve as the principal executive officer for stormwater management for the purposes of fulfilling the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency's NPDES Phase II Stormwater program.
   (b)    The Planning Commission shall not recommend for approval the final plat of any development or subdivision over which it has jurisdiction without documentation from the Service Director, that such development or subdivision has been designed to be in compliance with the design requirements herein.
   (c)    It is the intent of these minimum requirements to account for the effect of stormwater runoff from the development of land so as to minimize the impact on existing and natural drainage systems. While the requirements set forth herein will not stop flooding or the damage caused by flooding, they do establish a basis for design which will:
      (1)    Minimize the damage and inconvenience of flooding;
      (2)    Provide drainage systems which continue to benefit their tributary area over the long term;
      (3)    Minimize the adverse effects of new drainage systems on existing systems; and
      (4)    Minimize the expense of maintaining the drainage facilities within the City.
      (5)    Protect the water quality of existing water bodies to the maximum extent     practicable. (Ord. 09-04. Passed 2-16-09.)