The standards set forth below apply to demolition contractors or to property owners performing work without the assistance of a demolition contractor.
(A) The permit holder must be fully insured and provide with a demolition permit application a Certificate of Insurance naming the village as an additional insured. The minimum level of general liability coverage shall be $250,000 in the aggregate.
(B) Before a building or structure can be demolished, the permit holder shall notify all utilities having service connections to the building, such as water, electric, gas, sewer and other connections to disconnect said services. A permit to demolish will not be issued until a release is obtained from all utilities, stating that their respective service connections and appurtenant equipment, such as meters and regulators, have been removed, sealed, or plugged in a safe manner. In the case of a property being served by a private well and/or septic field, the permit applicant shall supply a statement from a plumber licensed in the State of Illinois that the well and septic field services have been disconnected and provide a detailed plan for the use or abandonment/removal of the private facilities following the demolition of the structure being served.
(C) The permit holder is required to determine if a hazardous waste material removal permit is required for demolition of a structure which has been determined to contain asbestos or other hazardous material regulated by the Illinois Department of Environmental Protection. Before demolition may proceed, the applicant must file a "Demolition /Renovation/Asbestos Project Notification Form" (IL 532-1296) with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Illinois law.
(D) The permit holder shall comply with all applicable state, local, or federal laws with respect to demolition activities.
(E) When demolition by toppling occurs, reasonable measures for dust emission control compatible with the type and structure being demolished shall be utilized and adequate fall areas shall be determined.
(F) Before the demolition of any section of wall, floor, roof, or other structure, adequate procedures to allay the dust shall be utilized. Use of a water spray fogging nozzle is generally preferred. Where buckets are used, the debris shall be adequately treated to preclude dust dispersion when buckets are dumped. If particulate matter becomes airborne for a continuous period of ten minutes, despite the use of dust control measures or due to freezing temperatures, the demolition work shall cease at once until adequate dust control measures can be taken.
(G) Where a structure has been demolished or removed and a new building permit has not been issued, the vacant lot shall be filled, graded, and maintained in conformity to the established elevation of the street grade at the curb level nearest the point of demolition or excavation. The permit holder shall take measures to prevent the accumulation of water or damage to any foundations on the premises or the adjacent property.
(H) The permit holder shall be responsible for keeping demolition debris and mud within the site. All waste materials shall be removed in a manner which prevents injury or damage to persons, adjoining properties, and rights of way. If debris or mud ends up off of the site, the permit holder shall be responsible for its removal and proper disposal before the end of each workday.
(I) A perimeter shall be established around the structure and appurtenances subject to demolition, in which demolition work will be contained. The perimeter shall provide adequate room for maneuvering equipment, short term storage of demolition materials, and take into consideration adequate fall zones. The perimeter shall be entirely enclosed through the installation of four foot high orange "snow fencing" to keep unauthorized individuals out of the demolition area. Signs shall be installed warning members of the public of the dangers of demolition.
(Ord. 2023-02, passed 3-21-2023)