In any district, except as noted below, whenever a building is erected, converted, enlarged, or structurally altered for a use described in this chapter, or the use of a building or premises is hereafter changed to a use prescribed in this chapter, then off-street parking shall be provided as follows:
Type of Building or Premises
Number of Spaces Required
Type of Building or Premises
Number of Spaces Required
2 spaces on the lot for each apartment
Churches and places of assembly
1    space on the lot for every 70 square feet in the main auditorium; provided, however, that if the building in existence and occupied on the effective date hereof and is located in an A Single-Family Dwelling District, then no off-street parking shall be required
Home occupation
1 space on the lot for each 1,500 square feet or portion thereof of enclosed floor area within the home that is devoted to the home occupation. Whenever a building is devoted to more than one type of use, the off-street parking requirements shall be computed separately for each use
Industrial use
1 space on the lot for every 1,500 square feet devoted to the use
Local business and place of assembly (including community building and a public building when used for a proprietary function)
1 space on the lot for each 200 square feet in the sales area
1 space on the lot for each rental unit
Multiple-family dwelling
2 spaces on the lot for each dwelling unit
1 space on the lot for each 200 square feet of enclosed floor area devoted to the use, excluding hallways, stairways, restrooms, maintenance areas, and other comparable areas
Rooming house and hospital
1 space on the lot for every 2 beds
Single-family dwelling
2 spaces on the lot
1 space on the lot for every 2 employees on any one shift
(Ord. 94-1, passed 1-17-1994)