Design, dimensions, materials, and method of construction or improvement shall conform to the following general requirements:
(A) For storm drainage, the “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction” adopted by the state’s Division of Highways, latest edition thereof;
(B) For public sanitary sewer system and/or sewage treatment work, “Rules and Regulations Governing the Submission of Plan Documents and the Design of Sewage Works” adopted by the state’s Environmental Protection Agency and as amended from time to time;
(C) Private water supply and/or sanitary sewage systems shall comply with the provisions of the county’s Health Department and other applicable ordinances;
(D) For subgrade preparation of streets, the “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction,” latest edition thereof;
(E) For base course of streets, the aforementioned “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction” for Aggregate Base Course Type B;
(F) For surface course of streets or bituminous surface course, Class A, Subclass A-3, B-5, Specifications for Bituminous Concrete Dense Graded Aggregate Type, Modified Plant Mix; or Bituminous Concrete Surface Course Class I, latest edition thereof;
(G) For curb and gutters, the aforementioned specifications for road and bridge construction; and
(H) For sidewalk and crosswalks, of the aforementioned “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction,” latest edition thereof.
(Prior Code, § 4-1-4)