(A)   Duties, generally. The President shall have the duties as set forth in the state statutes and see that all ordinances of the village are duly enforced; shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees but shall not vote except in case of a tie, when he, she, or they shall cast the deciding vote or as otherwise by the state statutes; he, she, or they shall preserve order and decorum at all meetings of the Board of Trustees, and shall generally do and perform all acts and things which are enjoined upon him, her, or them by the laws of the state and the ordinances of the village.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-3)
   (B)   Appointment of officers. The President and Board of Trustees may appoint a Clerk Pro Tempore whenever necessary to fill a temporary vacancy; and may also appoint a Treasurer, a Police Chief and such other officers as may be necessary to carry into effect the powers conferred upon the village, and may prescribe their duties and fees, and require such officers to execute bonds as may be prescribed by ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-5)
   (C)   Supervise conduct of officers. The President shall supervise the conduct of all officers of the village and see that they faithfully, and efficiently discharge the duties of their respective offices.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-6)
   (D)   Removal of officers; disapproval. 
      (1)   The President shall have power to remove any officer appointed by him, her, or them on any formal charge whenever he, she, or they shall be of the opinion that the interests of the village demand such removal, and he, she, or they shall report the reasons for such removal to the Board of Trustees at a meeting to be held not less than five days nor more than ten days after such removal.
      (2)   If the President shall fail or refuse to file with the Village Clerk a statement of the reasons for such removal, or if the Board of Trustees, by a two-thirds’ vote of all its members authorized by law to be elected, by yeas and nays to be entered upon its records, disapprove of such removal, such officer shall thereupon become restored to the office from which he, she, or they was so removed; but he, she, or they shall give new bonds and take a new oath of office. No officer shall be removed a second time for the same offense.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-7)
   (E)   Ordinances; approval, veto. The President shall carefully inspect all ordinances passed by the Board of Trustees and affix his, her, or their official signature to such as he, she, or they may approve, and return them to the Village Clerk within ten days after their passage; and all ordinances passed as aforesaid which do not meet his, her, or their approval shall be returned to the Board of Trustees with his, her, or their objections thereto in writing at the next regular meeting of the Board, occurring not less than five days after the passage thereof. Such veto may extend to any one or more items or appropriations contained in any ordinance or to the entire ordinance; and in case the veto extends only to a part of such ordinance, the residue thereof shall take effect and be in force; but in case the President shall fail to return any ordinance with his, her, or their objections thereto by the time aforesaid, he, she, or they shall be deemed to have approved such ordinance and the same shall take effect accordingly.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-8)
   (F)   Signature; licenses, permits and warrants. 
      (1)   The President shall sign all commissions, licenses, permits, and warrants granted, issued, or drawn by the order of the Board of Trustees, or authorized by the ordinances of the village.
      (2)   In all contracts where the village is a party, he, she, or they shall sign the same on behalf of the village, and it shall be his, her, or their special duty to see that the other contracting party faithfully complies with the contract, and in all suits where the village is a party, it shall be the duty of the President to advise with and assist the Village Attorney in prosecuting or defending the same, as the case may be.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-9)
   (G)   Examine records. The President shall at all times have the power to examine and inspect the books, records, and papers of any agent, employee, or other officer of the village.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-10)
   (H)   Release prisoners. The President may release any person imprisoned for violation of any village ordinance and shall report such release with the cause thereof to the Board of Trustees at its first session thereafter.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-11)
(Ord. 4-1910, passed - -)