(A)   The nonconforming use of any fence existing at the time of the passage of this subchapter may be continued, although such use does not conform with the provisions of this subchapter.
   (B)   A nonconforming use shall not be extended.
   (C)   (1)   A nonconforming fence may not be reconstructed or structurally altered during its life to an extent exceeding in aggregate cost 50% of the current fair value of the fence unless said fence is changed to a conforming use.
      (2)   A fence designed for a nonconforming use, however, may be reconstructed or altered beyond the limitations herein provided by the action of the Zoning Board of Appeals, after public hearing, as required by law in case of variations.
      (3)   The limitations herein provided shall not prohibit the restoration to a safe condition of any structure or portion thereof declared unsafe by a proper authority.
   (D)   Once changed to a conforming use, no fence shall be permitted to revert to a nonconforming use. A nonconforming use shall not be substituted or added to another nonconforming use.
(Ord. 2018-01, passed 2-20-2018) Penalty, see § 150.99