(A)   When ordinances are revised, codified, rearranged, published in book form, and certified as correct by the Fiscal Officer of Council and the Mayor, that publication shall be a sufficient publication, and the ordinances so published, under appropriate titles, chapters, and sections, shall be held the same in law as though they had been published in a newspaper. A new ordinance so published in book form, a summary of which has not been published as required by §§ 31.029 and 31.031 and which contains entirely new matter, shall be published as required by those sections. If the revision or codification is made by the municipality and contains new matter, it shall be a sufficient publication of the codification, including the new matter, to publish, in the manner required by those sections, a notice of the enactment of the codifying ordinance, containing the title of the ordinance and a summary of the new matters covered by it. This revision and codification may be made under appropriate titles, chapters, and sections and in one ordinance containing one or more subjects.
   (B)   Except as provided by this section, a succinct summary of all ordinances, including emergency ordinances, shall be published in accordance with § 31.029.
(R.C. § 731.23)