(a)   Following is a job description for the City Manager, which description be the basis for a performance evaluation at least annually. The City Manager shall serve at the discretion of Council and shall be responsible to the Mayor and Council for the proper administration of the city. To that end, he or she is hereby authorized and required to:
      (1)   Act on behalf of, carry out the instructions of, and be the authorized agent of, the Mayor and Council;
      (2)   Be solely responsible to the Mayor and Council for efficient operation of all the departments of the city and all personnel therein, within limits set by and the City Charter;
      (3)   Attend all meetings of Council with the right to take part in discussions, but without the right to vote;
      (4)   Be a member ex officio of all committees of Council with the right to vote if specified in committee rules;
      (5)   Recommend to the Mayor and Council any measure which he or she feels is necessary for the improvement of the city;
      (6)   Be responsible for the recommendation for the purchase of all city , provided that all purchases in excess of $10,000 be with the approval of Council;
      (7)   Present to the Mayor and Council periodic reports and special reports when requested to do so, covering the activities of the city administration for which he or she is responsible;
      (8)   Recommend to the Mayor and Council the salaries to be paid to the appointed officials and employees of the city. However, neither the Mayor nor Council dictate to the regarding the employment of any person or interfere with him or her in direction of the departments under his or her jurisdiction. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the Mayor and Council shall make all contacts with department heads through the ; and
      (9)   Be responsible for preparation of applications for grants or loans as authorized by Council.
   (b)   The City   be compensated as determined from time to time by Council, shall have the use of a city vehicle and shall reside in the community.
(Ord. 2406-04, passed 7-10-2024)