The (and for s) review the to insure that it complies with all of the criteria below:
   a.   The proposed will not be injurious to the surrounding neighborhood.
   b.   The location of buildings, outside storage receptacles, parking areas, fences or obscuring walls, and utility areas will minimize adverse effects of the proposed for the occupants of that and the tenants, owners, and occupants of surrounding properties.
   c.   There is a proper relationship between major thoroughfares and proposed service drives, driveways, and parking areas to encourage the safety and convenience of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The includes the minimum of driveways required to provide . Driveways are spaced as far apart from intersections and other driveways as practical to reduce accident and congestion potential. Sharing with adjacent uses is encouraged. The   require a traffic impact study as outlined in Section 329.
   d.   The provides for proper of roads, easements, and public utilities and protects the general health, safety, and welfare of the City and its residents.
   e.   Building architecture, materials, roof line, colors, windows and similar elements be consistent with the majority of other buildings in the City, as determined by the (or for s). Brick construction or brick trim, varying depths and peaked roofs, is encouraged. Stark white or bold colors and reflective glass are discouraged. The intent of this standard is to provide a harmonious, unified community to help create a sense of place and contribute to the image and quality of life in the City.
   f.   The proposed complies with all City codes and ordinances. Site plans for Districts comply with the preliminary plan requirements established in the Mobile Home Commission Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 125.2301 et seq.