a. The
have the authority to hear and decide appeal requests by
owners for variances from the Zoning Ordinance. However, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall not have the authority to change conditions or make interpretations to the PUD site plan or written agreement.
b. A violation of the PUD plan or agreement
be considered a violation of this Ordinance.
c. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall not have authority to grant variances from the approved PUD plan pertaining to uses, perimeter setbacks, perimeter
or setbacks. Such changes
require an amendment to the PUD plan.
d. Approval of the PUD rezoning and preliminary
by the
confer upon the applicant the right to proceed through the subsequent planning phase for a period not to exceed two (2) years from date of approval. If application for final
approval is not requested within this time period, re-submittal of the application shall be required. The
extend the period up to an additional two (2) years, if requested in writing by the applicant prior to the expiration date.