The following uses be permitted, upon review and approval by the , in accordance with the general standards for all Special Land Uses listed in Section 2102, and the standards for the specific listed in Section 2110.
   a.    .
   b.   Adult congregate care facilities.
   c.   All Special Land Uses listed for the Single and Two-Family Residential Districts which are not already listed as a Permitted Use in this .
   d.   Uses of the same nature or class as the majority of the uses listed in this as either a Principal Use Permitted or a , but not listed elsewhere in this Zoning Ordinance, as determined by the , following a public hearing and recommendation. The determination be based on the standards of Section 309. Any not listed and not found to be “similar” is prohibited in this zoning .
   e.   Accessory uses, buildings and structures customarily incidental to an approved Permit are permitted without a separate Permit.