In the LDMF or MDMF districts, no building or   be used or , except for one (1) or more of the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance:
   a.   Single-Family homes, subject to area and dimensional requirements for the R-3 zoning .
(Amended 2-14-1996)
   b.   Two-Family homes, subject to area and dimensional requirements for the R-T zoning .
(Amended 2-14-1996)
   c.   Multiple-family dwellings provided that a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of open recreational space be provided for each   . Said shall be developed with appropriate recreational facilities and play equipment. The location, shape, and plan for recreational area shall be shown on the with access only onto an arterial or .
   d.   Multiple .
   e.   Activity center building specifically for the elderly.
   f.   Publicly owned libraries, parks, parkways, recreational facilities, court buildings, post offices, community centers, civic centers and municipal buildings, provided the building architecture and materials are consistent with the materials used at the Grand Blanc City Hall.
   g.    and when meeting the standards listed in Section 501(f).
   h.   Child care centers and day care centers subject to the following provisions:
(Amended 2-14-1996)
      1.   Such uses be duly licensed by the State Department of Social Services.
      2.   Buildings and lots so used conform to all and local code requirements.
      3.   A minimum of fifty (50) square feet of indoor play area be provided for each child. Indoor play area shall be computed exclusive of hallways, bathrooms, reception and areas, kitchens, storage areas and closets, basements, except those which are finished and have dual means of egress, and areas used exclusively for rest or sleep.
      4.   A minimum of one hundred fifty (150) square feet of outdoor play area for each child. The total outdoor play area shall have a total minimum area of not less than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet. It be fenced and screened in accordance with Section 2310.
   i.    and s and .
   j.   Essential public services not including storage when operating requirements necessitate their location within the to serve the immediate vicinity.
   k.    s customarily incidental to any of the above uses as defined in Article II and described in Sections 312 through 317, such as leasing offices, community buildings and recreation facilities.