a.   Permitted Home Occupations: The following are permitted home occupations provided they meet all of the standards listed in item b. below:
      1.   Dressmaking, sewing and tailoring.
      2.   Painting, sculpturing or writing.
      3.   Telephone answering or telemarketing.
      4.   Home crafts, such as model making, rug weaving, and lapidary work.
      5.   Tutoring, limited to four students at a time.
      6.   Computer program development.
      7.   Salesperson’s or home of a professional that meets all conditions of b, no sales or director/customer are permitted on premise.
      8.   Repair of clocks, instruments or other small appliances which do not create a nuisance due to noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odor or results in electrical interference.
   b.   Required Conditions: Home occupations comply with all of the following standards:
      1.      be based on an annual permit for such , and fees are to be set by resolution of the .
      2.   There be no visible change to the outside appearance of the dwelling.
      3.   Traffic, parking, sewage or water shall not be noticeably different from impacts associated with a typical home in the neighborhood.
      4.   The shall not generate noise, vibration, glare, fumes, toxic substance, odors or electrical interference, at levels greater than normally associated with a single home.
      5.   Outside storage or display is prohibited.
      6.   Signs are not permitted except address numbers.
      7.   The shall not become a nuisance.
      8.   Only an of the dwelling be employed or involved in the .
      9.   The   occupy a maximum of ten (10) percent of the usable floor area of the dwelling. Garages, whether attached or detached, shall not be used for any .
      10.   All delivery of goods and visits by patrons and activity occur between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
   c.   Prohibited home occupations: The following are prohibited as home occupations:
      1.   Private clubs.
      2.   Repair shops which create a nuisance due to noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical interference.
      3.   Restaurants.
      4.   Stables or kennels.
      5.   Tourist homes.
      6.   Repair, maintenance, painting and storage of automobiles, machinery, trucks, , and similar items.
   d.   Any proposed that is neither specifically permitted above, nor specifically prohibited above, be considered a and be granted or denied upon consideration of the “Required Conditions” contained in item b. above and the standards specified in Section 2102.
   e.    permits be limited to the applicant who legally resides in the .