(a)   Legal nonconforming signs comply with this chapter when a change in ownership, tenancy, business or organization occurs on the where the sign is located, or when the advertising on the sign changes to denote a change in ownership, tenancy, business or organization.
   (b)   Legal nonconforming signs which are removed, blown down, destroyed, relocated, damaged or altered, or which are subject to a change of ownership, be required to conform with this chapter.
   (c)   Prohibited signs (§ 1480.04) be removed within six months of the effective date of this chapter (Ordinance 213, passed April 11, 1990) by the or lessee, or the Building Department representative shall cause the removal of such signs and assess the owners and/or lessees of such signs and/or the owners of the on which such signs are located, the costs of removal.
   (d)   A or   cannot apply for a new sign permit on a parcel with an existing nonconforming sign without first correcting the existing nonconforming sign.
(Ord. 1707-01, passed 7-12-2017; Ord. 1906-01, passed 7-24-2019)