(a)   Sign location. Unless otherwise provided in these regulations, no sign, except those established by the city, or federal governments be located in, project or overhang into any public right-of-way or dedicated easement.
   (b)   Measuring sign area.
      (1)   Sign area be measured as the square footage of the sign face and any frame or other material or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate it from the background against which it is placed.
   Measuring Sign Area
      (2)   When a sign consists solely of lettering or other sign elements printed, painted or mounted on a window or a wall of a building without any distinguishing border, panel or background that allow the normal exterior of the building surface to be visible between the through the letters, the calculation for sign area be measured by using the sum of the area of the rectangles which would enclose each individual letter or symbol.
      (3)   Where a sign has two or more faces, the area of all the faces be included in determining the total area of the sign.
   (c)   Measuring sign height.
      (1)   The permitted height of all signs supported by the ground be measured from the level of the natural grade adjacent to the sign to the highest point of the sign.
      (2)   The permitted height shall not be measured from an area of ground that has been built-up or constructed in a manner that has the effect of allowing a higher sign height than permitted by these regulations (e.g., the height of signs erected on a berm be measured from the finished grade adjacent to the berm in the manner noted in the illustration).
   Measuring Sign Height
   (d)   Design and construction.
      (1)   Signs be designed to be compatible with the building and landscaping used on the to promote an overall unified and aesthetic effect in accordance with the standards set forth herein.
      (2)   Monument signs must be landscaped with a combination of low shrubbery and perennial/annual plantings.
      (3)   The maximum distance between parallel sign faces on a double-faced sign be 20 inches.
      (4)   Every sign be constructed and maintained in a manner consistent with the building code provisions and maintained in good structural condition at all times. All signs shall be kept in an attractive appearance and shall be neatly painted, stained, sealed or preserved including all metal parts and supports.
      (5)   All signs erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered or moved be constructed in such a manner and of such materials so that they meet the applicable Michigan Building Code.
      (6)   All portable signs be constructed and maintained by the in such a manner and of such materials so that they withstand typical environmental conditions.
   (e)   Illumination.
      (1)   Signs be illuminated only by steady, stationary, shielded light sources directed solely at the sign (i.e., front lighted signs) or internal to it (i.e., back lighted signs).
      (2)   Lights be shaded, shielded or directed so as not to project onto adjoining properties or thoroughfares.
      (3)   Use of glaring undiffused lights or bulbs be prohibited. Beacon lights are prohibited.
      (4)   Underground wiring be required for all illuminated signs not attached to a building.
      (5)   If illumination is used in any residential district, it be what is known as white and not colored light and must not spill over onto adjacent properties.
   (f)   Location.
      (1)   Setbacks.
         A.   All signs, unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, be set back a minimum of ten feet from any public road right-of-way line. This distance shall be measured from the nearest edge of the sign, measured at a vertical line perpendicular to the ground to the right-of-way.
         B.   Side yard setbacks for signs be the same as that required for the main structure or building.
      (2)   Measurement. The following guidelines be used to determine compliance with setback and distance measurements.
         A.   Two signs. The distance between two signs be measured along a straight horizontal line that represents the shortest distance between the two signs.
         B.   Sign and property line. The distance between a sign and a line be measured along a straight horizontal line that represents the shortest distance between the sign and the line.
         C.   Sign and other. The distance between a sign and a parking lot or building be measured along a straight horizontal line that represents the shortest distance between the sign and the outer edge of the parking lot or building.
   (g)   Construction requirements. The following construction requirements apply to all permanent signs.
      (1)   Fastenings. All signs must be erected in such a manner and with such materials to remain safe and secure during the period of use. All bolts, cables and other parts of such signs be kept painted and free from corrosion. No sign be placed upon a tree or utility pole, except signs of a unit of government or utility.
      (2)   Support location. No pole, cable or support of any nature be placed on any publicly owned road right-of-way, or proposed road right-of-way.
      (3)   Sign safety.
         A.   All signs be erected so that any part including cables, guys and the like shall have a minimum clearance of four feet from any electrical conductor, electric light pole, road lamp, traffic light, or other public utility pole or standard.
         B.   All signs be designed to comply with minimum wind pressure and other requirements set forth in the adopted Building Code. Signs with electrical connections shall comply with Electrical Code requirements, including the application, inspection, and approval of an electrical permit.
      (4)   Sanitation.  surrounding any ground sign be kept clean, sanitary and free from obnoxious and offensive substances, free from weeds, rubbish, and flammable material.
      (5)   Safety triangle. No sign be located within, project into, or overhang the triangular area formed at the intersection of any two road right-of-way lines (existing or proposed) by a straight line drawn between said right-of-way lines at a distance along each line of 25 feet from their point of intersection.
(Ord. 1707-01, passed 7-12-2017; Ord. 1906-01, passed 7-24-2019)