(a)   With regard to the National Flood Insurance Program, and the regulation of within the zone as prescribed in §§ 1440.05 through 1440.09, the duties of the City Clerk include, but are not limited to:
      (1)   Notification to adjacent communities and the Department of Natural Resources of the proposed alteration or relocation of any watercourse, and the submission of such notifications to the Federal Insurance Administration;
      (2)   Recording of all certificates of floodproofing, and written notification to all applicants to whom variances are granted in a flood hazard zone indicating the terms of the variance, the increased danger to life and and that the cost of flood insurance will increase commensurate with the increased flood risk, and reach amounts in excess of $25 for $100 of insurance coverage per year. A record of all variance notifications and variance actions be maintained together with the justification for each variance; and
      (3)   All records pertaining to the Flood Insurance Program.
   (b)   With regard to the National Flood Insurance Program, and the regulation of within the flood hazard zone as prescribed in §§ 1440.05 through 1440.08, the duties of the Building/Zoning Department include, but are not limited to:
      (1)   Verification and recording of the actual elevation in relation to mean sea level of the lowest supporting floor member, including the basement, of all new or substantially improved structures constructed within the hazard area, and in the case of floodproofed structures, the elevation to which the was floodproofed;
      (2)   All maps pertaining to the National Flood Insurance Program, which be open for public inspection; and
      (3)   To obtain and utilize the best available flood hazard data for purposes of administering this chapter in the absence of data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
(Ord. 220, passed 2-13-1991)