(a)   No person stop, stand or park any vehicle on owned by the City Board of Education lying within either of the following areas, except when necessary to avoid conflicts with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer, at any place where signs are posted prohibiting parking:
      (1)   The area known as the High School Complex and bounded by Holly Road on the east, by Saginaw Street on the northeast, by Bush Street and the extension of Bush Street beyond Davis on the north, by the railroad on the west and southwest and by the southern line of the Board of Education between the railroad and Holly Road on the south; or
      (2)   The Indian Hills school from Woodbridge to the easterly line of Lafave Gardens.
   (b)   No person park any vehicle in any place on the described in division (a) above where signs designate reserved parking, unless there is exhibited on the vehicle a permit authorizing parking in reserved areas.
   (c)   No motor vehicle be operated on the above described at a speed in excess of 25 mph.
(Ord. 97, passed 1-14-1976)