A.   Generally: Each police officer shall devote his entire time to the performance of the duties of his office and is hereby charged with the preservation of the peace, order and safety of the City and with the duty of protecting the rights of persons and property and of enforcing all laws and all orders of the City Council. He shall take notice of all nuisances, obstructions and defects on the highways or other public places, and shall cause the same to be abated or removed, or immediate notice thereof given to the proper officer whose duty it may be to take action in relation thereto. When requested by the Mayor, he shall attend, either in person or by deputy, all meetings of the City Council, execute all its orders and close the Council Chamber upon the adjournment of that body. He shall also execute all warrants or other legal process required to be executed by him under any ordinance of the City or laws of the State of Illinois.
(2006 Code § 30-2-6)
   B.   Issue Legal Process: All police shall have the power and authority to execute City warrants or other similar legal process outside the corporate limits of the City and within such distance therefrom as authorized by law in all cases when any ordinance of the City Council made pursuant to law shall prescribe a penalty for the violation of any of its provisions by persons residing, acting or doing any business within the limits of the City.
(2006 Code § 30-2-9)
   C.   Aid Fire Department: Every police officer shall aid the Fire Department by giving the alarm in case of fire and in clearing the streets or grounds in the immediate vicinity of any fire so that the firefighters shall not be hindered or obstructed in the performance of their duties.
(2006 Code § 30-2-11)