Upon written permission secured from the Fire Chief, fireworks may be used for public or private exhibitions in connection with fairs, carnivals or other celebrations. An application for a permit for such exhibition shall be made to the Chief, at no charge, and shall be issued under such reasonable regulations to protect the safety of persons or property as the Chief may prescribe. Each application shall contain the name and address of an individual experienced in the execution of fireworks exhibitions and shall be accompanied by proof of insurance in an amount not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to cover personal injury or property damage caused by the exhibition. Persons in charge of such exhibitions shall be held strictly responsible for any damage to persons or property resulting from the use of fireworks. Fireworks being held in storage for such exhibitions must be kept in a closed wooden box or tarpaulin until they are so used.
(Ord. 81-016. Passed 11-17-81.)