(a)   Village employees and officials shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred while in the authorized service of the Village. These expenses shall include travel, lodging, meals, seminars, conferences and registration fees. Reimbursable expenses do not include entertainment or alcohol expenses. This policy does not intend to address every issue, exception or contingency that may arise in the course of travel.
      (1)   Auto mileage reimbursement. If a Village vehicle is not available employees will be reimbursed for actual miles while on authorized business outside of the Village at the current IRS rate per mile, when using their own personal vehicles. Such payment is considered to be total reimbursement for all vehicle related expenses ( i.e., gas, oil, depreciation, insurance, etc). Mileage reimbursement is payable to only one employee if two or more employees are traveling on the same trip, in the same automobile. Charges incurred for parking at the destination, highway tolls, and local taxi fares and local bus fares are reimbursable at the actual amount. An employee expense report and itemized receipts are required.
      (2)   Meal guidelines. Expenses for meals up to a maximum of forty dollars ($40.00) per day will be reimbursable when the travel requires an overnight stay. The Village will reimburse up to ten dollars ($10.00) for breakfast, ten dollars ($10.00) for lunch and twenty dollars ($20.00) for dinner (including tax and up to a fifteen percent tip, but excluding charges for alcohol). When employees are traveling where meals are provided as part of the training session (seminar, conference, etc.) expenses will not be reimbursable for those meals. An employee expense report and itemized receipts are required.
      (3)   Lodging. Expenses covering the cost of a motel or hotel room will be reimbursed when travel requires an overnight stay. The government rate, conference rate or lowest available rate for lodging should be used. The maximum amount that the Village will reimburse for lodging shall be determined in advance of the employee's travel. Return travel from conferences or seminars is to commence on the last scheduled day of the conference or seminar. An employee expense report and itemized receipts are required.
      (4)   Registration fees. Employees authorized to attend conferences, seminars and/or meetings requiring pre-payment of fees shall obtain a purchase order and submit registration materials to the Clerk-Treasurer for payment.
      (5)   Other expenses. Any other expenses, such as air fare or others that an employee may incur while engaged in authorized service of the Village must be approved by the Mayor and one Councilman and/or two Councilmen in advance of the employees travel in order for the expenses to be reimbursed or paid. A travel request form must be submitted for prior authorization for all travel requiring an overnight stay or air travel.
   (b)   The following items are not recognized as reimbursable expenses: alcoholic expenses, entertainment, laundry and dry cleaning, expenses of spouse and/or family member traveling with employee.
   (c)   The employee shall not benefit from any type of awards program offered in connection with this travel policy.
   (d)   Village employees or officials may use the Village credit card for certain travel and/or conference expenses or fees. These charges to the credit card will require itemized receipts and proper documentation or the employee or official may be responsible for these expenses. Any allowable expenses without the proper receipt or documentation will not be reimbursed or paid. Travel receipt expenses shall be submitted for payment (within seven days) of the employees return to work.
   (e)   Village employees shall submit a written report of items discussed at conferences or meetings which they attend. This report shall be turned in within two weeks of the employees return to work.
   (f)   This policy cannot cover every issue, exception or contingency that might arise. The employee should use common sense and good judgment in the use of Village resources. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including and termination.
(Ord. 09-026. Passed 2-3-10.)