Sexually-oriented businesses are conditionally permitted uses within the GB General Business District. A conditional use for such facilities shall not be approved unless the following minimum conditions shall be complied with:
   (a)   No sexually-oriented business shall be established within 800 feet of:
      (1)   Any Residential (R) District;
      (2)   Any public, private, governmental, or commercial library, educational institution, park, recreational facility, religious place of worship, child day care facility, playground, or swimming pool;
      (3)   Any planned unit or planned cluster development utilized for residential purposes;
      (4)   Any tavern, bar, or other establishment for the sale of beer or intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises; or
      (5)   Any other sexually-oriented business.
   (b)   For the purpose of this section, measurement shall be made in a straight line, without regard to the intervening structures or objects, from the nearest portion of the building or structure used as the part of the premises where a sexually-oriented business is conducted, to the nearest property line of the premises of a use listed in division (a) of this section. The presence of a Village, County, or other political subdivision boundary shall be irrelevant for purposes of calculating and applying the distance requirements of this section.
   (c)   No advertisements, displays, or other promotional materials shall be shown, distributed or exhibited so as to be visible to the public from pedestrian sidewalks or walkways, or from other public or semi-public areas.
   (d)   All building openings, entries, windows, and doors of adult entertainment facilities shall be located, covered, or serviced in such a manner as to prevent a view into the interior from any public or semi-public area, sidewalk or street. For new construction, the building shall be oriented so as to minimize any possibility of viewing the interior from any public or semi-public areas.
   (e)   No screens, loudspeakers, or sound equipment shall be used for adult motion picture theaters (enclosed or drive-in) or any other adult entertainment facility that can be seen or discerned by the general public from public or semi-public areas.
(Ord. 00-040. Passed 11-21-00; Ord. 01-014. Passed 7-17-01.)