The required number of parking and loading spaces as set forth in this chapter, together with driveways, drive aisles, and other circulation areas, shall be improved with acceptable impervious material to provide a durable and dust-free surface, typically portland cement concrete or asphaltic concrete. Any improvement(s) made to aprons, sidewalks, and driveways on residential streets must be improved using material(s) which shall be first approved by the Village Administrator or Village Engineer. Any improvement(s) made to aprons, sidewalks, and driveways in planned developments with concrete streets must be improved using like-kind material(s) which shall be first approved by the Village Administrator or Village Engineer. Any person desiring to replace or resurface any apron, sidewalk or driveway located on a residential street or in a planned development shall first submit a completed application, on a form provided by the Village, detailing the improvement(s) to be made and the material(s) to be used thereon, to the Village Administrator or Village Engineer for approval.
(Ord. 01-014. Passed 7-17-01; Ord. 05-026. Passed 12-20-05; Ord. 16-011. Passed 6-21-16.)