Certain specific development standards are imposed within the State Route 57 Overlay District. These standards replace development standards within the underlying zoning district. Where no development standards are defined within the State Route 57 Overlay District, the development standards within the underlying district apply.
(a) Minimum Front Yard. 100 feet from the centerline of the right-of-way.
(b) Building Materials. All exterior building materials and colors must be approved by the Planning Commission so as to be compatible with neighboring properties. Pre-engineered metal building shall have a distinctive front facade. Sample materials and color chip for the proposed building materials and color to be used on site shall be submitted for approval with each development plan.
(c) Overhead Doors. Overhead doors and loading docks shall be located on the sides or rear of any building unless the Planning Commission approves plans for construction on the front. Landscaping shall be utilized to screen the view of overhead doors and/or loading docks from public rights-of-way and adjacent lots.
(d) Outside Storage.
(1) All outside storage areas shall employ screening and/or fencing, which shall be included in the approvals for site and landscaping plans. Outside storage areas shall be confined to approved locations, kept in an organized and orderly manner, with no growing or noxious weeds permitted.
(2) No materials, supplies, equipment, finished, or semi-finished products or articles of any nature shall be stored or permitted to remain on any building site outside of the building without proper permanent screening, other than in designated storage areas, and approval in writing by the Planning Commission. No material storage of any kind shall be placed or located within any public utility easement or right-of-way.
(e) Exterior Lighting. All exterior lighting should be positioned in such a way to avoid light spillage or glare onto adjoining residential properties or public streets.
(f) Signage. All signs shall be limited to being ground-mounted or wall- mounted and shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 1288 and the following standards:
(1) No ground sign may be located closer than 10 feet from the right-of- way line.
(2) The maximum height for any ground mounted sign is 5 feet above grade.
(3) A monument sign shall be constructed of materials compatible with the facade of the building in which the identified use is located, or compatible with the landscaping of the parcel on which the sign is located.
(Ord. 01-014. Passed 7-17-01.)