The permitted uses in both the PUD-RS and PUD-MX district are as follows:
   (a)   Permitted Uses; PUD-RS. An applicant may propose to include any mixture of permitted or conditional uses in any existing residential district. Additionally, an applicant may propose land uses which are allowed as a permitted use in the GB district, provided that not more than 25% of the net acres in the development is devoted to nonresidential uses.
   (b)   Permitted Uses; PUD-MX. An applicant may propose to include any mixture of nonresidential land uses in a proposed PUD-MX development, provided that at least 60% of the net acres in the development are devoted to uses permitted in the district(s) applying to the property at the time of application. If the subject property is being annexed into the Village and no existing zoning district is applicable, any combination of nonresidential land uses may be proposed.
(Ord. 01-014. Passed 7-17-01.)