In the GB District, the following uses may be permitted as conditional uses by the Planning Commission with the consent of Council or Council without the consent of the Planning Commission and subject to the general conditions as set forth in Chapter 1250.
(a) Sexually-Oriented Businesses as set forth in Chapter 1294.
(b) Wireless telecommunication towers, wireless telecommunication facilities, and wireless telecommunication shelters as set forth in Section 1287.16.
(c) Service stations.
(d) Automobile repair garages.
(e) Automatic car wash stations.
(f) Veterinarian hospitals.
(g) Funeral homes.
(h) Automobile, boat, manufactured/mobile home, or recreational vehicle sales.
(i) Convenience food store, with or without drive-in or drive-through facility.
(j) Internet gaming/sweepstakes cafés. (See GCO Chapter 806 for regulations.)
(k) Any other uses similar in nature as determined by the Planning Commission with the consent of Council or Council without the consent of the Planning Commission.
(l) Kennels.
(1) A minimum lot area of two acres is required.
(2) A kennel may be a primary use or may be accessory to a permitted or nonconforming use.
(3) Condition of facilities. The facilities for housing dogs shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair to prevent injury to the dogs, to contain the dogs and restrict the entrance of other animals.
(4) Floors, walls, ceilings. Kennel floors and removable resting boards, if provided, shall be constructed of non-toxic, easily cleaned, water impervious materials. Walls, and ceilings if provided, shall be painted and kept clean.
(5) Runs. Inside Pens. Inside or outside runs shall be provided and shall be not less than thirty-six inches wide for a dog weighing not more than forty-five pounds, forty-eight inches wide for a dog weighing more than forty-five pounds. The minimum length of runs shall be ten feet. Inside pens shall be of the following sizes: For dogs weighing not more than twenty-five pounds, five square feet per dog, for dogs weighing more than twenty-five pounds, but not more than forty-five pounds, nine square feet per dog, and for dogs weighing over forty-five pounds, sixteen square feet per dog.
(6) Lighting. Lighting by either natural or artificial means shall provide a minimum of thirty candle power for at least eight hours per day except where contraindicatcd for health reasons. A means to control the amount of sunlight entering dog quarters during the warm seasons of the year shall be provided.
(7) Water facilities. Hot and cold water facilities shall be provided.
(8) Ventilation. The kennel space shall be ventilated in such a manner as will provide fresh air at all times.
(9) Kennel temperature. The kennel temperature shall be maintained at a reasonable and suitable level to promote the health and comfort of the type of dog or dogs housed.
(10) Sanitation. Environmental sanitation shall be adequate to keep vermin at a minimum.
(11) Removal and disposal of excreta. Feces and other excreta shall be removed at least once daily and the runs washed down with hot water and disinfectant cleaner. Excreta shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner.
(12) Segregation of dogs. Adult dogs shall be segregated for health, welfare or breeding reasons, and any vicious animals shall be removed and caged separately.
(13) Isolation facilities. Facilities for isolating dogs under quarantine of treatment for communicable diseases shall be in a room or area that is separated from other dog-holding facilities.
(14) Segregation of puppy litters. Puppy litters shall be maintained segregated from other litters.
(15) Cages. Dogs confined in cages shall be caged individually except where otherwise indicated for health or welfare reasons. Each cage shall be large enough for the dog or dogs housed therein to turn about freely, to stand erect and to lie down in a natural position.
(16) Shelter from inclement weather. All dogs shall be provided access to shelter which will protect them against inclement weather, preserve the dog's body heat and keep them dry. The shelter shall be kept clean and in a sanitary condition.
(17) Water and food supplies. Dogs shall be provided with clean fresh water and sufficient and wholesome food. Food and water containers shall be kept clean and sanitized.
(Ord. 01-014. Passed 7-17-01; Ord. 11-008. Passed 4-19-11; Ord. 11-021. Passed 6-21-11.)