For the purpose of regulating and restricting the location of buildings, structures, and land use, the Village is divided into zoning districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map. These districts include the following, and shall be illustrated on the Official Zoning Map:
      R-1A Single-Family, Low-Density Residential District.
      R-1B Single-Family, Medium Density Residential District.
      R-2 Two-Family, Medium-Density Residential District.
      R-3 Multiple-Family Residence District.
      MHP Manufactured Home Park District.
      CB Central Business District.
      GB General Business District.
      LI Light Industrial District.
      GI General Industrial District.
      PO Professional Office District
      IP Industrial Park District.
      ID Institutional Development District.
      PUD Planned Unit Development District.
      State Route 57 Overlay District.
      (Ord. 01-014. Passed 7-17-01.)